Why Shikantaza is Complete, Boundless and Unlike Any Other Way, Period, End of Story
Here is a link to the information on LAH.
Dear All, As you know, we've asked folks to write “SAT TODAY” next to their signature before posting in this Forum. "SAT TODAY" means that someone has sat Zazen sometime during the past day, and that they will have “sat before chatting” in the Forum. Signing "SatToday" - Please
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Nishijima Roshi was just my style! Respect for the kesa as well as straight-forward practicality. I feel if I were ever to become a priest I would aspire to his way: a modern, professional and approachable outfit with the rakusu or kesa, and of course the full set when appropriate. I have a lot of respect for him and they way he taught you and your Dharma brothers and sisters (if there were sisters*), Jundo.
Sat today, lah
*Are there any current modern female teachers or priests who were taught by Nishijima Roshi?求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.Comment
Here is a link to the information on LAH.
Dear All, As you know, we've asked folks to write “SAT TODAY” next to their signature before posting in this Forum. "SAT TODAY" means that someone has sat Zazen sometime during the past day, and that they will have “sat before chatting” in the Forum. Signing "SatToday" - Please
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But Shikantaza is a little more than that too, as we sit with the conviction in the bones that there is no other place in the world that we can be, better should be, need to be or would ever want to be. Shikantaza is the one action to be doing in that moment that is needed to do in all the world to make the world right. Shikantaza is the conviction that, just by sitting Shikantaza, there is nothing lacking and nothing to fix, all made whole and complete merely by the act of sitting. There is something about such sitting that shines and transcends sickness and health, both sun and rain.
My brain wants to ask: Is Shikantaza a state of being to aspire to, to attain? But there is nothing to attain, right? So then I may spend the rest of my life sitting not-quite Shikantaza or way-off Shikantaza, trying not to wonder if I have gotten it because then I don't have it...
然芸 Nengei
Sat today.遜道念芸 Sondō Nengei (he/him)
Please excuse any indication that I am trying to teach anything. I am a priest in training and have no qualifications or credentials to teach Zen practice or the Dharma.Comment
Hi Jundo,
Sorry, I have to comment but this is wonderful teaching. An absolutely precious gem. I have read it a few times and each time I have learnt something news. Perhaps after sitting for 18 months, I can relate and understand the teaching more thoroughly.
Many bows
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Is there a Shikantaza chant?!Yes, the sitting with lips closed is the chant.
Haha!!Point taken Jundo!
Well...there's a robe verse and a meal verse, so it's seems reasonable there might be a chant on the true nature of Shikantaza as foundational practice, although i guess I'd have heard of it by now...
Deep bows to all, C stlahLast edited by Yokai; 04-23-2020, 11:34 PM.Comment