my english is not very good, my brain neither.
I want to make a Statement, becourse my silly brain thinks to know the feeling to your question,
which is not a good feeling.
And I just want to focus on the question:
"Does Satori provide the answer to the ‘big questions’?"
and I think, there is no reason to discuss Judeo-Christian or Buddhism issues.
There is no difference in intention, just in form and culture.
All of them want to tell you the answer to the question of:where do I come from, who am I, where do I go.
I got an answer from Muho about zazen and Buddhism: you do not need any ...ism for zazen.
The very important questions: "where do I come from, who am I, where do I go" are the guiding questions for everything on the way, and important.
If I want to get the answer from a leader or Roshi (in the Guru-way) than it leads to fear, power, violence.......
If I want to find the answer in another way, I will realize, that my thoughts are not able to answer this questions. That part is easy in my opinion. The thoughts are made from experiences and are not able to create something new in the same way.
But I can realize here and now without a Guru or Religion (they cannot answer, becourse than it would be possible to intellectualize the truth), that if I can be quiet in my brain the answer is here. And the questions disappeared. Or so.
I do not know anything about Satori. So, I cannot give an answer. (and I think, that I looked a long time for this answer)
But if I am able for short moments in my life to be in the "now", I get always the answer (but not intellectually).
just a very simple thought on the question.
my english is not very good, my brain neither.
I want to make a Statement, becourse my silly brain thinks to know the feeling to your question,
which is not a good feeling.
And I just want to focus on the question:
"Does Satori provide the answer to the ‘big questions’?"
and I think, there is no reason to discuss Judeo-Christian or Buddhism issues.
There is no difference in intention, just in form and culture.
All of them want to tell you the answer to the question of:where do I come from, who am I, where do I go.
I got an answer from Muho about zazen and Buddhism: you do not need any ...ism for zazen.
The very important questions: "where do I come from, who am I, where do I go" are the guiding questions for everything on the way, and important.
If I want to get the answer from a leader or Roshi (in the Guru-way) than it leads to fear, power, violence.......
If I want to find the answer in another way, I will realize, that my thoughts are not able to answer this questions. That part is easy in my opinion. The thoughts are made from experiences and are not able to create something new in the same way.
But I can realize here and now without a Guru or Religion (they cannot answer, becourse than it would be possible to intellectualize the truth), that if I can be quiet in my brain the answer is here. And the questions disappeared. Or so.
I do not know anything about Satori. So, I cannot give an answer. (and I think, that I looked a long time for this answer)
But if I am able for short moments in my life to be in the "now", I get always the answer (but not intellectually).
just a very simple thought on the question.