Re: SIT-A-LONG with JUNDO: Eido's Shame ...
Well, that last part is just where Buddhist Practice comes into play.
With Right Speech, and avoidness of angry words and feelings, with gentleness and non-violence (as much as possible), a firm hand and not a "boot" and a dirty name ... the situation is handled properly nonetheless.
It is important to remember that, in this world, even the most hate-filled of us ... that fellow who slaughtered people in Arizona last week, the great demons of history ... are too just victims of greed, anger and ignorance. If they were not, they would not be as they are. We may still put the fellow in jail or even, when necessary, the police or soldiers may need to shoot the violent harm-doer to stop him in the middle of his actions ... people still bear responsibility for their volitional acts, and should not escape that ... but always seeing that the real enemy is not the person, but the devils of greed, anger and ignorance.
So, I would avoid the "boot" and the "name calling" even if removing Mr. Shimano, helping the victims and punishing. The most appropriate punishment may be to allow the person to reflect on his actions, or to be placed in a situation whereby suffering is encountered for suffering done to others that encourages that self-reflection (such as causing a 'respected teacher' to suddenly be not respected or a teacher).
The best way to celebrate Martin Luther King's Holiday (which was this week in the U.S.).
Gassho, Jundo
Originally posted by Shonin
With Right Speech, and avoidness of angry words and feelings, with gentleness and non-violence (as much as possible), a firm hand and not a "boot" and a dirty name ... the situation is handled properly nonetheless.
It is important to remember that, in this world, even the most hate-filled of us ... that fellow who slaughtered people in Arizona last week, the great demons of history ... are too just victims of greed, anger and ignorance. If they were not, they would not be as they are. We may still put the fellow in jail or even, when necessary, the police or soldiers may need to shoot the violent harm-doer to stop him in the middle of his actions ... people still bear responsibility for their volitional acts, and should not escape that ... but always seeing that the real enemy is not the person, but the devils of greed, anger and ignorance.
So, I would avoid the "boot" and the "name calling" even if removing Mr. Shimano, helping the victims and punishing. The most appropriate punishment may be to allow the person to reflect on his actions, or to be placed in a situation whereby suffering is encountered for suffering done to others that encourages that self-reflection (such as causing a 'respected teacher' to suddenly be not respected or a teacher).
The best way to celebrate Martin Luther King's Holiday (which was this week in the U.S.).
Gassho, Jundo