Personally, I feel not knowing something to be comforting as well. It lets me off the hook from having to know everything, because I think that is what the mind is always trying to do. Giving permission to thoughts to not have to be constantly working things out disrupts that pattern and allows them to rest. Of course they will eventually start rolling again, but we can notice this and once again give permission to not-know, or not-need-to-know-right-now.
But there is no end of a moment between moments. The perceived beginning of a taste or smell is never the actual beginning: it can be traced back to the beginning of all things, billions of years ago, and whatever was before that, in an unending thread, or billions of spider-webbing threads all the way forward to this present moment of tasting and smelling an orange. The perceived end of a taste or smell merely transforms into the next taste or smell, even if there is nothing being eaten and we are merely breathing air.

But your other senses have allowed for you to have knowledge of things that you do not personally witness. As for things that burn down that we never see, hear, or think of, it is still not separate from each of us in the grand scheme of things.
Sat, lah
But there is no end of a moment between moments. The perceived beginning of a taste or smell is never the actual beginning: it can be traced back to the beginning of all things, billions of years ago, and whatever was before that, in an unending thread, or billions of spider-webbing threads all the way forward to this present moment of tasting and smelling an orange. The perceived end of a taste or smell merely transforms into the next taste or smell, even if there is nothing being eaten and we are merely breathing air.

But your other senses have allowed for you to have knowledge of things that you do not personally witness. As for things that burn down that we never see, hear, or think of, it is still not separate from each of us in the grand scheme of things.
Sat, lah