There is NO MISTAKE POSSIBLE in the universe, no place to fall, leaping through center vs. outside, no self to do the falling.
AND YET, AND YET, as Dogen said (sometimes misquoted by mistake) "the principle of the way [is that we must] make one mistake after another." He also said (if I am not mistaken), "Stepping forward is a mistake; stepping backward is also a mistake, taking one step is a mistake, taking two steps is also a mistake; therefore one mistake after another mistake."
Mistakes beyond mistakes, falling yet no place to fall, self and no, forward-and-back yet no forward or back. All reality and all sentient beings are ALREADY ENLIGHTENED being, already Buddha with no unenlightened action possible, no place to stumble, no greed or anger or division possible in such whole ...
... AND YET few of us are enlightened to such fact, and often, in our greed, anger and divided thinking, we forget to act in very enlightened ways as a Buddha might act.
Please make no mistake about this TRUTH!
Gassho, J
Sorry to run long by mistake.
There is NO MISTAKE POSSIBLE in the universe, no place to fall, leaping through center vs. outside, no self to do the falling.
AND YET, AND YET, as Dogen said (sometimes misquoted by mistake) "the principle of the way [is that we must] make one mistake after another." He also said (if I am not mistaken), "Stepping forward is a mistake; stepping backward is also a mistake, taking one step is a mistake, taking two steps is also a mistake; therefore one mistake after another mistake."
Mistakes beyond mistakes, falling yet no place to fall, self and no, forward-and-back yet no forward or back. All reality and all sentient beings are ALREADY ENLIGHTENED being, already Buddha with no unenlightened action possible, no place to stumble, no greed or anger or division possible in such whole ...
... AND YET few of us are enlightened to such fact, and often, in our greed, anger and divided thinking, we forget to act in very enlightened ways as a Buddha might act.
Please make no mistake about this TRUTH!

Gassho, J
Sorry to run long by mistake.