June 27th Recommended Threads

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 40989

    June 27th Recommended Threads

    I encourage looking at these threads, topics and posts today ...

    Please sit our June 24th-25th Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai ... that is where it happens ...
    Hello All, Please 'sit-a-long' with our weekly FRIDAY/SATURDAY 'LIVE FROM TREELEAF' 90 minute ZAZENKAI, netcast from 10am Japan time Saturday morning (that is New York 9pm, Los Angeles 6pm (Friday night), London 2am and Paris 3am (early Saturday morning) ... and to be visible on the following screen during those times and

    "Doing nothing" in silence and stillness can be surprisingly tiring ... but the key is found withing ... Post Sesshin thoughts ...
    Hi all, I can suffer from anxiety and over-thinking at times. I have finished my first two day Sesshin I am left feeling really quite anxious. Is it normal for Sesshin to push stuff to the surface? I appreciate it was only two days but it was my first. I didnt sit this morning as I was exhausted and had a very very rare lie

    In a similar way, some folks feeling a bit of anxiety from sitting ... not a problem if but a passing thing ... Fear and Zazen ...
    Hello Everyone, I'm very new to Treeleaf, but have been practice some form of Buddhist meditation for 20 years, on and off (mostly on). Starting shikintaza a few weeks ago, I began to experience what I would interpret as "fear" as if "I" was no longer present. Knowing that my "I" is merely

    ... and likewise for sadness and other passing emotions ... passing clouds ... Feeling like crying ...
    Hi everyone, Hope everyone is having a beautiful day and that you had a beautiful weekend. I wanted to ask something really quick because I am a bit confused and don't know how to feel. So I was meditating and thoughts were pouring like rain and it was very difficult to go back into the breathing. But from everything that

    The Sangha ... for shy folks ... sometimes together, sometimes by ourselves ... all one, never alone ...
    One thing I read early on was to take refuge in three...jewels? I forget the word, but it was to take refuge in the dharma, the Buddha and the Sangha. I'm not fond of people and always find it fascinating and frustrating when I feel the need to be with...like minded people? I don't understand it. My wife would point out

    ... and being truly alone ... Kyonin encounters A homeless master ...

    What is the "study program" to "nothing to attain"? ... At home in this tradition. Is there a study program? ... Shingen and Kyonin offer fine advice ...
    Hello everybody: It's been about four months since I discovered this amazing sangha thanks to Kyonin. I will never thank you enough, Kyonin. I have been a zen student for 10 years now. Nine of them in the Kwan Um School of Zen, my first tradition. But since I left my sangha about a year and a half ago, I had been like

    An old thread with good advice for travelers (although a proper Zafu is recommended when you can) ... how to fold a cushion from a blanket ...
    Hi all, I just recently learned from a friend of mine, how to fold a cushion from a blanket. We've been a day/night fishing. Early morning, he saw me folding my blanket to sit and said something like: "If you need to do that hocus-pocus, you should at least sit on an acceptable cushion". I've made a short phone-video

    I am so glad if this place and the practice are benefiting you. If so, you might consider a DONATION to Treeleaf at this LINK, although there is absolutely no need or requirement to do so. Thank you.


    In a Zen Monastery, SILENCE or A FEW WISE WORDS are cherished over MANY WORDS. Thus, I advise folks to restrain the need to speak unless the heart truly calls. If you find yourself posting many times each day, maybe consider what truly needs to be said ... and when it is best just to answer with silence and an inner Gassho.

    SILENCE OR A FEW HESITANT WORDS OF FRIENDSHIP AND SUPPORT OFTEN SPEAK MOST PROFOUNDLY. Post when it is truly important to you and needs to be spoken from the warm heart.

    (too much silence or shyness can also be excessive ... so take the Middle Way!)

    Also, to those who may get lost among the many threads and conversations in our Forum, please think of a monastery made of wood or brick, with 100 monks holding 10,000 conversations in the hallways, kitchen, Abbot's rooms and library (I assume no chatting in the Zendo where people sit Zazen).

    Would you need or want to hear or join in all or most conversations? Of course not! You would, at best, pick and choose the conversations relevant and helpful to you.

    So here too in our Sangha, NO NEED TO READ EVERY CONVERSATION: Try to note the ones that seem helpful to your Practice or interests, leave the rest. The above threads are a few suggestions.

    Oh, and we do ask folks to note that they have SAT ZAZEN THE PREVIOUS DAY BEFORE POSTING IN THE FORUM (please read about that here):

    Dear All, Treeleaf Sangha is a Practice Place centered on the daily Sitting of Shikantaza Zazen. We ask all our members to have sat Zazen sometime in the preceding day (today or yesterday) before posting in this Forum and joining in discussion. Please have "Sat" before any "Chat". gassho1 Also, both as

    Gassho, Jundo
  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 40989

    Also, some interesting questions on "nothing to attain" ... "thinking-non-thinking" ... prajna wisdom ... and avoiding the hocus-pocus ... "Mu sho tok ko" ...
    Hi friends, I was just doing Zazen a few minutes ago. Tonight some words from the "Heart Sutra" in japanese (which I often recite at the end of Zazen periods, as I was teached to do where I started my practice... and so at the local Sangha where I do practice sometimes...) came into my mind during Zazen with a

