I encourage looking at these threads, topics and posts today ...

Our "Official" Homepage & Schedule for our upcoming TREELEAF SANGHA online 2-DAY ANGO-JUKAI-ROHATSU RETREAT -- 2013 -- is posted. However, the thread will remain locked until shortly before Retreat time ...
WELCOME ... ... to our TREELEAF 'AT HOME' Two Day 'ALL ONLINE' ROHATSU (Buddha's Enlightenment Day) RETREAT, being held by LIVE NETCAST on Saturday/Sunday December 7th and 8th, 2013 (though starting Friday night in some time zones). Please 'sit-a-long' with the LIVE NETCAST at the times below ... to be visible

In the meantime, please make all comments or questions regarding the Retreat in this thread:
 Dear All, a re-MINDer that our Treeleaf Annual 'AT HOME' Two Day 'ALL ONLINE' ROHATSU (Buddha's Enlightenment Day) RETREAT is to be LIVE NETCAST on the weekend of Saturday & Sunday, December 7th and 8th, 2013 (though starting Friday night in some time zones). The retreat is designed to be sat in any time zone

Don't miss this lesson on bathroom habits during the Retreat ... ROHATSU RETREAT - Nature Calls!! ...
In preparation for our upcoming Treeleaf Annual 'AT HOME' Two Day 'ALL ONLINE' ROHATSU (Buddha's Enlightenment Day) RETREAT ... to be LIVE NETCAST on the weekend of Saturday & Sunday, December 7 and 8, 2012 (though starting Friday night in some time zones) ... DETAILS HERE (http://www.treeleaf.org/forums/showthread

NOTE: Treeleaf Forum will be closed for all discussions and other activities the weekend of December 7th & 8th (from Friday night in some Time Zones) except those directly related to our ROHATSU RETREAT! That weekend, to the extend possible for you, all our energies should be centered on Zazen and the activities of the Retreat alone.

Please also sit today with our November 29th-30th, 2013 Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai ...
Hello All, Please 'sit-a-long' with our weekly FRIDAY/SATURDAY 'LIVE FROM TREELEAF' 90 minute ZAZENKAI, netcast LIVE from 9am Japan time Saturday morning (that is New York 7pm, Los Angeles 4pm (Friday night), London midnight and Paris 1am (early Saturday morning) ... and to be visible at the following link during those times

Time for one more Precept before Rohatsu: PRECEPTS X - To Refrain from Being Stingy ...

Taigu and I disagree a bit about the place of corny art, over-the-top narratives and romantic imagery in the Teaching of Zen & Buddhism ... enjoy the show or how to learn from what is fake ...
The BBC. Great institution. Wonderful documentaries. Sorry, I could not resist it. This is so cheap, so fake ,so staged, so false, so stupid, so wrong...that it becomes so inspiring. All the cliches, the Oxford empty professor with his empty mind, the great stupas and Zen alive in Hong Kong, the would be monks sitting

A good way to explain about Zen Practice to somebody who asks ... Giving advice on Buddhism / meditation ...
Okay, I'm just thinking out loud, but this is the situation I've encountered. A co-worker's wife called me to ask for information on Buddhism and meditation. Odd and out of the blue. She told me she is very stressed and wanted a way to "clear her mind". She found a group locally that has meditation seminars for

Some folks might consider Fasting and zazen ... but check with your doctor first ...

A nice story about hair or the lack thereof ...