I encourage looking at these threads, topics and posts today ...

On counting the breaths during Zazen ...

I'd like to hear people's thoughts on this one... I am sitting more regularly (people who've heard me say that 30 times please ignore that statement), and learning to drop thoughts in a way I thought was good enough, but I am really having lots of chatter going on and on in my head. Not the schizophrenic type of chatter, but


I'd like to hear people's thoughts on this one... I am sitting more regularly (people who've heard me say that 30 times please ignore that statement), and learning to drop thoughts in a way I thought was good enough, but I am really having lots of chatter going on and on in my head. Not the schizophrenic type of chatter, but

On sitting in a tranquil place ...

I'd like to hear people's thoughts on this one... I am sitting more regularly (people who've heard me say that 30 times please ignore that statement), and learning to drop thoughts in a way I thought was good enough, but I am really having lots of chatter going on and on in my head. Not the schizophrenic type of chatter, but

On the best times (any times and no times) to sit ...

Lately i had this wondering. what times do people sit? and how the chosen time effects their zazen. I sit daily. but i usually sit quite late, around 23:00-24:00 (i dont go sleep early most days). usually a little before bed and after my wife went to sleep and i've finished with everything i wanted to do (including a lot of

Gassho, J