Being Clear on Just Sitting

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41041

    Being Clear on Just Sitting


    Often around here, I try to explain Shikantaza in a very clear way ... Just Sit, No Other Place to Be, No Other Action in that Moment, Nothing to Add or Take Away, Let thoughts come and go without grabbing, drop all likes and dislikes in the completeness of Just Sitting ...

    ... but Master Dogen spoke of the Clarity of Turning Worlds, such that the straightest is not always Straight, and the Clearest not just clear ...

    So, a little riffing on Shikantaza, lest we forget just how radical a "method-non-method" of seeking-not-seeking such is ...


    One Universal Virtue is to drop (by non-dropping-dropping) all waves of karma, impendiments and thoughts of "true or false" into and as this Ocean, Repent/Atonement as At-One-ment, sitting upright as True Aspect. All thoughts as waves just constantly non-arise and flow.

    No object of thought and what thought to object to, not two. What "Buddha" can be thought or not thought and is not all thoughts? Sitting as Buddha is precisely Buddhasticly Buddhasting.

    Sitting as Buddha is thinking no object. Apart from sitting, there is no mind and no Buddha at all. Apart from Buddha, there is no mind of sitting. Sitting as Buddha is identical to the sitting Buddha. To seek the mind or to seek for sitting is to seek for Buddha. The trick is to seek by not seeking, finding what cannot be found. The Form of Sitting is without form, the appearance of sitting lacks any appearance or in and out. What mind is there to calm? Never mind! In simply sitting, no internal or external to grasp or arise, all is without form or discrimination right in and as all form and discrimination ... nirvana is samsara, no nirvana no samsara from the startless start. The sitting mind disappears and re-emerges, what is there to indicate when all the world is free of directions in the pivot point of sitting? Sitting this, body-mind are none other than the real and true Tathagata.

    How does one lay down without laying down? Open the Hand of Thought. There was never a thing to pick up from the start, nor a thing in need of letting go.

    Dropping all thought of good and evil, attraction and aversion, we do not observe where thoughts arise or go, but simply do not grasp them as they come and go non-coming-non-going. False thoughts have no self-nature, and the same for true thoughts. There is no thought. Thought-no-thought. As human beings, we do our best (we have no choice so long as we are living beings in a complex world) to live in a world of thoughts, both true and false, doing our best to be free of the latter and to nurture the former (doing our best to be free of greed, anger and divisive thinking, seeking to nurture generosity, peace and unity). Nevertheless, all through all thoughts are no thought from the start. There is stillness to be heard at the heart of the greatest noise. A light shines, illuminating both false and true thoughts.

    Think about it! Or you don't. Yet Thinking-Non-Thinking It-No-It You-No-You. Just Sitting.

    Gassho, J

    Last edited by Jundo; 11-01-2015, 06:09 AM.
  • Byokan
    Senior Priest-in-Training
    • Apr 2014
    • 4284

    Ah! There it is again, the sword of Manjushri.
    Thank you Teacher.
    This rings so clear, as a hammer striking emptiness.

    Deepest bows,
    sat today
    展道 渺寛 Tendō Byōkan
    Please take my words with a big grain of salt. I know nothing. Wisdom is only found in our whole-hearted practice together.


    • Mp

      Ahhh, yes, wonderful. Than you Jundo. =)




      • Ryan379
        • Oct 2015
        • 64

        Thank you Jundo roshi



        Sat Today
        Last edited by Ryan379; 11-01-2015, 12:07 PM.
        Breathe...Relax...Let Go...


        • Byrne
          • Dec 2014
          • 371

          So wonderful to wake up and read this. Thank you Jundo.


          Sat Today


          • lorax
            • Jun 2008
            • 381


            Good morning Jundo,

            Thank you SAT TODAY


            • Doshin
              • May 2015
              • 2634


              Thank you. I am going to read this before the next couple of Zazens. Something I would like to share with sangha. My adult grandson who I have not seen in four years flew out for a week visit. He is staying in the room I use for meditation and seeing my books, altar and such, concluded I meditated. So he came to me with a small Buddha he had with him and gave it to me. I realized I had never shared that part of my life with him though his sister once asked about it so long ago. Turns out he has been at a zen retreat (Shasta Abbey) so I will share this with him and invite him to sit with Dosho and others this coming week. A connection between generations




              • Myosha
                • Mar 2013
                • 2974


                Thank you for the lesson.

                Myosha sat today
                "Recognize suffering, remove suffering." - Shakyamuni Buddha when asked, "Uhm . . .what?"


                • Shugen
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 4532

                  Being Clear on Just Sitting

                  Originally posted by Calm Heart

                  Thank you. I am going to read this before the next couple of Zazens. Something I would like to share with sangha. My adult grandson who I have not seen in four years flew out for a week visit. He is staying in the room I use for meditation and seeing my books, altar and such, concluded I meditated. So he came to me with a small Buddha he had with him and gave it to me. I realized I had never shared that part of my life with him though his sister once asked about it so long ago. Turns out he has been at a zen retreat (Shasta Abbey) so I will share this with him and invite him to sit with Dosho and others this coming week. A connection between generations


                  Randy your story made me smile. Thank you for sharing it

                  And, Jundo, thank you for your words.




                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                  Meido Shugen
                  明道 修眼


                  • Washin
                    Senior Priest-in-Training
                    • Dec 2014
                    • 3830

                    Thank you very much for the teaching

                    Kaidō (皆道) Every Way
                    Washin (和信) Harmony Trust
                    I am a novice priest-in-training. Anything that I say must not be considered as teaching
                    and should be taken with a 'grain of salt'.


                    • Ongen
                      • Jan 2014
                      • 786

                      Thank you, Jundo and Randy


                      Sat today
                      Ongen (音源) - Sound Source


                      • Juki
                        • Dec 2012
                        • 771

                        Yes, that is very clear. Thank you, Jundo.

                        "First you have to give up." Tyler Durden


                        • Jakuden
                          • Jun 2015
                          • 6141

                          I'll get back to you after I read this about 100 more times



                          • Joyo

                            Thank you Jundo. I try to sit with this teaching in mind, yet my monkey-mind goes into super-hyper mode so I keep returning back to focusing on my breath. As I focus on my breath, the thoughts are still there, but I no longer am clinging to them so tightly.

                            I know you recommend people should not be focusing on their breath, but as a beginner, I just find it so much easier. Is there anything else you think I should be doing differently?

                            sat today


                            • Jundo
                              Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                              • Apr 2006
                              • 41041

                              Originally posted by Joyo
                              Thank you Jundo. I try to sit with this teaching in mind, yet my monkey-mind goes into super-hyper mode so I keep returning back to focusing on my breath. As I focus on my breath, the thoughts are still there, but I no longer am clinging to them so tightly.

                              I know you recommend people should not be focusing on their breath, but as a beginner, I just find it so much easier. Is there anything else you think I should be doing differently?

                              sat today
                              Hi Joyo,

                              There is nothing wrong with focusing on the breath, and it is a beautiful and traditional way to sit for those who wish. Just be willing to let go sometimes during the sitting, and sit with all and everything. It is a bit like focusing on being on the boat while sailing, but good to let go of the boat sometimes when diving into the waters and let the ocean carry one. This is especially so as we bring Zazen off the cushion and out into the world, where we must encounter all of life as Zazen beyond crossing the legs and centering on the breath.

                              I also always encourage everyone to sit knowing in the bones that this is the one place to be, the one action necessary with nothing to add or take away, for the time while sitting. No other place to be or thing to do in that instant. It is Wholly Holy Whole.

                              WHOLLY HOLY WHOLE
                              I came across a discussion on the internet this week about "how to Shikantaza" ... and much good and solid advice was given. Some folks follow the breath, some "Just Sit" in boundless spaciousness, some advised this or that on the posture and letting thoughts go. All wise and good, and talk of posture, focus

                              Gassho, J

                              SatToday Wholly Holy Whole
                              Last edited by Jundo; 11-03-2015, 01:24 AM.
                              ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE

