Re: Will's sitting schedule
I've changed my evening sitting to 9:30 pm (1:30pm UTC)
Will's sitting schedule
Re: Will's sitting schedule
Suit me a bit better too.
Having said that we're packing the van after an on the spur decision to go off camping round North Wales for a week. Make the most of what's left of Clare's maternity leave. So I won't be about for the next week.
Be good Buddhas.
In gassho, KevLeave a comment:
Re: Will's sitting schedule
excellent. no longer right when we cook dinner hereLeave a comment:
Re: Will's sitting schedule
I was going to wait til after this evening to post this, but I guess I'll post it now. I'll be changing the 11:00pm sit to 10:30pm starting tomorrow April 3rd (that's 2:30pm UTC I believe)
G,WLeave a comment:
Re: Will's sitting schedule
woo. I have to tell you these late night sits definitely leave me groggy in the morning
Hey guys at 5:30pm from now on I'll be sitting 2 rounds of Zazen with kinhin.
Hopefully Kev will bring his clappers.
G,WLeave a comment:
Re: Will's sitting schedule
I will be away on a family holiday so will not be able to sit with you online. I will try and sit at one of the times so will sit with you but in an invisible way. Once I'm back I will be back on view.
All the best
Oh and the clocks changed in Spain too so EST is still +1 over GMTLeave a comment:
Re: Will's sitting schedule
11:30pm is too Zen hardcore for me
I was on there at 7:00 thoughNo more late night music sessions for me for a bit. This schedule is really good for noticing balance and such I think. See you at the next.
G,WLeave a comment:
Re: Will's sitting schedule
it has been a pleasure to sit with you over the last few days (I promise to sit on the floor - once I sort out this wireless malarky - I normally do)
Anyway the clocks went forward last night so that (& a working and family life) - have curtailed my efforts, so in bold I put in the new UK times:
09:30 AM UTC - 5:30pm China (10:30 am England/10:30am Spain/5:30am New York/ 6:30pm Japan)
03:00 PM UTC - 11:00pm China (4:00pm England/ 4:00am Spain/ 11:00am New York/12am Japan)
10:30 PM UTC - 6:30am China (11:30pm England, 6:30 pm New York/ 11:30 pm Spain/ 7:30 am Japan))
Best wishes & thanks for all your efforts
JoolsLeave a comment:
Re: Will's sitting schedule
And, if so, is it distracting?
G,WLeave a comment:
Re: Will's sitting schedule
Thanks for the quick reply.
RonLeave a comment:
Re: Will's sitting schedule
Yes, you'll just show up as a blue square. Not distracting at all, for me anyway.
Maybe MeBeam will add the feature of being able to replace your feed with a static image, as a privacy screen or for those without webcams. I'll suggest it to the developers.
SkyeLeave a comment:
Re: Will's sitting schedule
Skye, Will etc.,
If I do not have a camera set up and look in the sitting room, does it cause you guys/gals to see a blank blue square? And, if so, is it distracting? I would like to sit at the same time when I can but I don't want to distract anyone else in the room. I'm undecided on getting a camera (my computer is kind of old and has about all it can handle right now)
RonLeave a comment:
Re: Will's sitting schedule
That is the reason I suggest everyone post the UTC times in addition to any local time zones. We all switch to daylight savings at different dates and some not at all, the best way is to pick your local time for "leading" a sitting, then convert it with this:
Then post the UTC time in the forum. The UTC time can be compared to the UTC clock in the Sitting & Meeting rooms so there's no confusion. For now, London time = UTC but that will change shortly when you switch to BST. Japan, India, and China do NOT do daylight savings so Will's UTC sitting times shouldn't change - however the local England times will change.
SkyeLeave a comment:
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