Is sitting slowing down?

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  • Undo
    • Jun 2007
    • 495

    Is sitting slowing down?

    After a short time of sitting I have noticed that sometimes there is a change to the way I generally approach every day things. For example I drive slower, can stand in line at the checkout comfortably and not be bothered if little problems occur. As you may guess I have been known to be a little impatient.

    A problem with this is I like to rock climb and mountain bike. Now when I climb or ride I tend to take fewer risks on the iffy bits. If I’m riding down a steep path and there are rocks I slow down and even sometimes get off the bike. If I’m climbing I will attempt easier routes and in some cases climb down rather than push on harder. Some people might see these changes as good things, which they sort of are, but they are not good for these activities. Do I now take up knitting?

    The main reason I’m posting this is to see if other people have been affected in this way or if there is a way to switch? Maybe I should be grateful I’ve got this far pretty much unscathed and just sit more? Perhaps it has nothing to do with sitting and I'm just changing? Any tips or opinions welcome.

    Happy new moment, whenever it happens for 2008
  • Longdog
    • Nov 2007
    • 448

    :lol: are you just getting older? :lol:

    my excuse is ME, but before that i used to enjoy similar things, I found getting older and having kids, plus the fact that I didn't seem to bounce as well had an effect on me :lol:

    One of my school climbing buddies is a guy called Steve Mc Clure , google him, climbs 9a ( UK grade)now, I used to feel really inferior because of the world status he has gained, I only used to manage around 5c/6a at a push. I actually didn't go to my school re-union the other year because of how I felt about myself, dumb :?

    But sitting, has I guess, helped me realise that I'm who I am and that I have changed and am changing, as we all do, regardless of sitting. The only constant in life is change but sitting is definitely helping me come to terms with the change



    • will
      • Jun 2007
      • 2331

      You become more mindful of your limits. When it's time to rest, you rest. Why risk bodymind doing crazy stuff etc... that's (in all reality) not very useful?

      To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
      To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
      To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
      To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.


      • Eika
        • Sep 2007
        • 806

        I think Will and Kev have voiced something similar to what I might surmise. Sitting may produce in you less of a need for an adrenaline fix. Exercise is great, but risk is a factor in some sports more than others. Life in general may be more satisfying now and the result might be that you don't 'need' the rush of some activities to feel alive. You are more alive with each breath . . . no need to turn up the volume on a good thing. Just a guess though.

        Also, you could just be getting old.

        [size=150:m8cet5u6]??[/size:m8cet5u6] We are involved in a life that passes understanding and our highest business is our daily life---John Cage


        • Mensch
          • Jun 2007
          • 77

          I think you're just becoming less narcissistic – which sort of spoils the kick of accomplishment and makes risks appear less rewarding.

          In my experience it all seems to balance out: >40 age and practice dampen my feverish struggle for success, but they also erode paralyzing fears of failure, loss, shame. So instead of fierce willpower my action is more often carried by unrestrained curiosity, patience and real estimation. More like when I was three years old (and much smarter than today.)

          Originally posted by plankton
          Do I now take up knitting?
          If you stay around long enough you'll definitely start sewing. :wink:



          • Undo
            • Jun 2007
            • 495

            Oh sweet bejeebus!!
            In 15 days I will be 33. I have an 8 month old son and I’m married, with mortgage et cetera…:shock:

            Lucky me I say.
            Thanks for the posts. I think there are truths there I just either couldn’t quite see them or didn’t want too. ops:
            While I may be losing the need one end of the scale I am gaining in another. Maybe the “alive” feeling from risk taking is now the “alive” feeling from being alive.

            All the best,


            P.S. I have read a few articles on Steve Mc Clure, a very good climber indeed.


            • Longdog
              • Nov 2007
              • 448

              Hi Plankton

              I guess this theme also resonates alot with me as at the moment I'm not able to do the sort of crazy things I used to define myself by. Sitting and having to re-asses my life, attitudes and goals is a big scary process but not one I'm regretting and in th process I am losing that definitaion of my self that I so needed before.

              I am constantly coming up against 'ghosts' of the past in people like Steve or my brother who does mountain marathons or mates who kayak etc. It's painful at times but just sitting and being part of this sanga where we can air things is a big help and encouragement.

              Thank you Jundo for providing this space.

              In gassho



              • Undo
                • Jun 2007
                • 495

                While climbing or other such sports give you the impression of feeling alive, which they do, it is also short lived and a little hollow (if just a tad exhilarating at the time). Sitting is being alive and includes everything. This is only an impression so far but am sitting anyway, as I said before I've not been sitting that long.
                Thanks for your posts Longdon they have given me a lot to think about.


                • Lynn
                  • Oct 2007
                  • 180

                  Hi there...

                  Well, for myself, I found that sitting and my practice finally seems to have wiped out the need to "prove" myself to anyone...or myself. It's really sort of an interesting phenomenon. No need to be "right", no need to be "better than", no need to check off the next box on "the list" of things I somehow once believed I needed to accomplish or succeed at in order to prove that I am worthy or awsome.

                  Now, it doesn't mean that I sit around with no direction or goals or whatever, it just means that if something doesn't go in the direction I thought I wanted it to it's not the end of the world or my self-esteem. There are still things I'd love to see happen, and I still do my best to make it so, but the motivations are entirely different. I don't use the word "failure" anymore. If something doesn't work out it's simply a course correction...sort of like the way you chose to get off the bike instead of risk a face plant due to the rock.

                  Maybe that's just me relaxing into my life rather than constantly trying to create it? Something like that...

                  Oh. And, I'm old as dirt, so there's that.... :P

                  In Gassho~

                  When we wish to teach and enlighten all things by ourselves, we are deluded; when all things teach and enlighten us, we are enlightened. ~Dogen "Genjo Koan"


                  • Jundo
                    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                    • Apr 2006
                    • 40987

                    Dear Lynn,

                    Your comment really touched me. Thank you. I wonder if this goes hand in hand with your putting aside the need to journal so intently? Hmmmmm. I may see a link.

                    Gassho, J
                    ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE

