Very nice, thank you.
Two good finds in one day
Hi Willow,
Thanks for the suggestion. Just watched it this evening. It was a nice film! I liked the singing too
HoyuLeave a comment:
Hi Hoyu, the video I watched was not so long - there's extra footage in this version.
Anyway - the Mt. Baldy parts are interesting (as is the rest for Cohen fans).
WillowLeave a comment:
Thanks Hoyu - have you watched the video of Leonard Cohen with Joshu Sasaki at Mt. Baldy?
WillowLeave a comment:
Guest repliedThis is great Hoyu ... thanks for the share.
MichaelLeave a comment:
Jundo wrote:
The teacher in that video, Joshu Sasaki of Mt. Baldy in California, is still alive and kicking (literally, from what I hear of his hard style) at the age of 105!
HoyuLeave a comment:
Dokan wrote:
Wow thanks for that video!
One thing which stood out for me, because of recent posts here on tradition/ritual, was this...
Tom Davenport said:
Most American Zen groups use English but our old teacher(Joshu Sasaki Roshi) thinks that the Catholics made a mistake when they dropped Latin. So we chant in the Japanese pronunciationsLeave a comment:
Thank you, Hoyu, for this lovely film that truly conveys the experience of Sesshin. A Soto Zen Sesshin held in Japanese style is almost identical in content and feeling except for small points of clothing, movement and procedure. The most notable differences (same but different, different but just the same) are that our Kinhin walking is generally slower, the Kyosaku/Keisaku stick is shorter, we traditionally face the wall when sitting (although this seems to be becoming more fluid in Soto groups in the West http://www.treeleaf.org/forums/showt...ll=1#post82184) and, of course, the Rinzai folk generally sit engaged in Koan Introspection Zazen, pouring themself into a Koan or phrase of a Koan, and then presenting their understanding in the Dokusan room ... while Soto folks "Just Sit" in Whole and Thorough Shikantaza.
The teacher in that video, Joshu Sasaki of Mt. Baldy in California, is still alive and kicking (literally, from what I hear of his hard style) at the age of 105!
By the way, Taigu and I strongly encourage folks ... if you can find the time ... to go for retreats for a weekend, but better a few days or full Sesshin (even a full week or two if you can) at places, and "traditional" (i.e., very Japanese style) retreats and Sesshin are good experiences. There are several good places to experience that in North America and Europe.
Now, someone might ask too, "if each moment is all time and space, what is the purpose of an intensive Sesshin?" Well, I often say that, sometimes, we need to practice a bit long and hard, morning to night ... sitting and wrestling with 'me, my self and I' ... all to achieve nothing to attain! Going to Retreats, Sesshin and such is a powerful facet of this Practice and not to be missed.
Of course, we have our Annual "All Online" two-day Retreat too (each December, via live netcast) at Treeleaf Sangha ... traditional (yet "fully online") ...
... but this is a case where it is actually good to go to a retreat center and practice with folks for a time (if at all possible ... which it ain't for everybody).
If you write to me with your location and availability, I will try to find you a place.
Gassho, JundoLeave a comment:
Wow thanks for that video! I found the same book at a used bookstore a while back...its quite humorous and educational!
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Two good finds in one day
Hi All,
Found this really fun book at the used book shop this afternoon
It has 97 very beautiful water color sketches. All of which portray Zen monk Giei Sato's days as an Unsui at Tofukuji monastery(Rinzai-shu).
I later found this YouTube video by Tom Davenport on his personal account of a 7 day Sesshin. In the video Tom uses intercut images and stories from this book. Enjoy.....
<font color="#111111"><span style="font-family: Times">
Just to note. This video, like the book, is Rinzai-shu.
HoyuTags: None
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