Lately i had this wondering. what times do people sit? and how the chosen time effects their zazen.
I sit daily. but i usually sit quite late, around 23:00-24:00 (i dont go sleep early most days). usually a little before bed and after my wife went to sleep and i've finished with everything i wanted to do (including a lot of pointless things that i probably could postpone to a different time in order to sit earlier). i have noticed an interesting thing. the later the hour i sit and the more tired i am the harder it is to sit, physically and mentally. since i start working at 7 in the morning (the shifts start at 7 in the hospitals in israel) i wake up at around 5:40 or so. i dont get much sleep, around 5-6 hours of sleep on most days. when i sit late i tend to be sleepy and at times it seems harder to find comfortable position that i can keep for long (i usually sit 30 minutes). sometimes my mind wont quiet down and sometimes the other way around i tend to turn off in a way. i am still aware but it is like everything goes on and thoughts sometimes arise but i am not there, as if sleeping but not sleeping (its hard to explain exactly).
but when i sit earlier i notice that sitting becomes more natural and easier for me (sometimes there are no absolutes in this practice).
does anyone else notice something like that? and what hours of the day do you all sit usually?
and of course a question for Jundo and Taigu are there any times recommended for sitting and anything like that?
I sit daily. but i usually sit quite late, around 23:00-24:00 (i dont go sleep early most days). usually a little before bed and after my wife went to sleep and i've finished with everything i wanted to do (including a lot of pointless things that i probably could postpone to a different time in order to sit earlier). i have noticed an interesting thing. the later the hour i sit and the more tired i am the harder it is to sit, physically and mentally. since i start working at 7 in the morning (the shifts start at 7 in the hospitals in israel) i wake up at around 5:40 or so. i dont get much sleep, around 5-6 hours of sleep on most days. when i sit late i tend to be sleepy and at times it seems harder to find comfortable position that i can keep for long (i usually sit 30 minutes). sometimes my mind wont quiet down and sometimes the other way around i tend to turn off in a way. i am still aware but it is like everything goes on and thoughts sometimes arise but i am not there, as if sleeping but not sleeping (its hard to explain exactly).
but when i sit earlier i notice that sitting becomes more natural and easier for me (sometimes there are no absolutes in this practice).
does anyone else notice something like that? and what hours of the day do you all sit usually?
and of course a question for Jundo and Taigu are there any times recommended for sitting and anything like that?