Sangha Photos
Uh oh, a photography thread? Don't get me started... :twisted:
My visual sketchbook is on Flickr here:
Some overtly Buddhist examples from various trips to Taiwan:
I'm finding a great deal in common between Zen practice and candid street photography. It is a very meditative state on the street, a weird calm balance between openness to your surroundings, what you want to express, technical considerations, and luck. A weird meeting of analytic and synthetic - which you have to both hold, but not too tight. At some point I may write something up on the topic.
And then other times, I just like taking pictures of "things"
Anyway, I could go on... and on... and on... photography and Buddhism are my main kicks these days!!
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went to do the dishes lastnight, set the water to run, gathered up some stray coffee cups and came back, found these... had to take a pic of it.
(click to enlarge - i know its kinda big but look closely @ the little bubbles)
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These were some pictures I took about three weeks ago in Stephens State Park, which is near my home in the mountains of northern New Jersey. My kids and I hike around here every Sunday afternoon. Probably nothing like what people picture when they think of NJ, but this is home...
(The pic I use for my avatar was taken by my 5 year old the same day, in a sort of wigwam someone had built near one of the less used trails.)
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"Felix", a neglected neighborhood cat and a regular dinner guest in the little bar around the block. He’s a rather grumpy old fellow. Guests are advised to enter carefully as he likes to take a nap on the doormat.Leave a comment:
my digital camera displayed its impermanence a month a go and im still waiting for it to return from repairs, so here is a few I've had sitting on the hard drive here @ work.
a wonderful snow storm from a couple years ago
Same storm, with Artemisia chillin' on the window sill
Families cottage this past summer, a nifty sunset.
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interested take a photo at that day, at that time, wherever they are, whatever they are doing, then post it? Like a dharma moment in all our lives just to see what that "same" instant looks like through our varying facets of the jewel.
That sounds like a very interesting experiment... throw a dart at a calendar and let us know the date/time you come up with... maybe start a new thread for this and repeat every so often....
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