The koan of the 183 overpass

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  • Al
    • May 2007
    • 400

    The koan of the 183 overpass

    I've been working on this one for quite a long time (but not during zazen, Jundo!), practically since I first became interested in Buddhist practice. I do most of my thinking in traffic.

    On my commute to work, there's an overpass that connects two major highways. At its peak, it splits in two directions, funneling people either north or south toward downtown. In the morning, the southbound side of the overpass backs up for several miles. People inch their way along in a line of cars waiting bumper to bumper to pass over onto the highway toward downtown Austin, where many people work. The northbound lane of the overpass is always clear as could be, with a car or two whizzing past at 65mph without delay.

    As you can imagine if you've ever been in a similar traffic situation, there are some people who get in line for their correct overpass lane early and wait in line, accepting that their turn will come. There are others, though, who speed up in the northbound lane, slow down abruptly right before the split, and cut into the southbound lane in front of someone. They effectively "cut in line" - an affront we're all taught to resent since kindergarten. Someone always always lets them in.

    This angers me to no end. The person who ignores unspoken rules of society always angers the people who follow them. When I started practicing Zen, though, I stopped wondering why those people were such assholes and I started wondering why it upset me so much. I have been thinking about this exact thing (crazy as it may sound) for the past 2 years as I waited in line on this overpass.

    Today, as I sat in line, watching the few darevdevil "cutters" whizzing ahead on the left and then cutting in front of people up at the peak of the overpass, something happened to me. I don't know what happened. But I just sort of realized that all those people are me. Those are the people who are late for work, who don't have the flexible job hours I have, who have kids who made them late, but all those people are actually me, with different causes and circumstances. I imagined the stress they must feeling weaving in and out of traffic, trying to make up any spare minute they could. My heart hurt and I started to cry. I have absolutely no idea why I was crying.

    So now I think I'll sit with that for awhile.
    Gassho _/\_
  • Bansho
    • Apr 2007
    • 532

    Hi Al,

    Many thanks for sharing that with us.



    • Justin
      • Jul 2007
      • 97


      I know 183 and its attendant stresses all too well, but you've helped me see it in a new way. Thank you.



      • will
        • Jun 2007
        • 2331


        This angers me to no end. The person who ignores unspoken rules of society always angers the people who follow them. When I started practicing Zen, though, I stopped wondering why those people were such assholes and I started wondering why it upset me so much. I have been thinking about this exact thing (crazy as it may sound) for the past 2 years as I waited in line on this overpass.

        Today, as I sat in line, watching the few darevdevil "cutters" whizzing ahead on the left and then cutting in front of people up at the peak of the overpass, something happened to me. I don't know what happened. But I just sort of realized that all those people are me. Those are the people who are late for work, who don't have the flexible job hours I have, who have kids who made them late, but all those people are actually me, with different causes and circumstances. I imagined the stress they must feeling weaving in and out of traffic, trying to make up any spare minute they could. My heart hurt and I started to cry. I have absolutely no idea why I was crying.
        I don't know about the crying, but try living in a country with 1.3 billion people. Everthing is a traffic jam. I know exactly what your talking about. Living in China can be really frustrating for everyone. You have people spitting on the ground everywhere. At the supermarket if your not mindful you'll end up ramming someone with your cart. Every person wants to help you(even when you really don't need it) shouting, yelling, sweating, pulling, running. Try going to Mcdonalds at lunch time(like I did today). Everyone is so anxious to get their food, and the cashier is pissed off at everyone. etc.etc.

        In time, from practice, I've learned to deal with it and actually enjoy myself in the center of this craziness. With so many people in this country. That's just the way it is. If people didn't rush, things wouldn't get done, but i do see your point about feeling something for them. Sometimes you just wish you could make them smile or relax a bit, or say hey!!! wake up hehe. For now I'll just practice.

        To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
        To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
        To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
        To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.

