The Dalai Lama said: "If we really stop to think about praise and criticism, we will see they do not have the least importance. Whether we receive praise or criticism is of no account. The only important thing is that we have a pure motivation, and let the law of cause and effect be our witness. If we are really honest, we can see that it makes no difference whether we receive praise and acclaim. The whole world might sing our praises, but if we have done something wrong, then we will still have to suffer the consequences for ourselves, and we cannot escape them. If we act only out of a pure motivation, all the beings of the three realms can criticize and rebuke us, but none of them will be able to cause us to suffer. According to the law of karma, each and every one of us must answer individually for our actions.

How does this apply to recent events? Some people criticize Treeleaf and some praise it.
Let it all go. Transcend it all. Rise above it, or go below it, or sidestep it, or whatever. Just don't get caught by it.
And as the DL says above, all we can do is to (not)try to have pure motivation.