Shukke Tokudo References

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  • Dosho
    • Jun 2008
    • 5784

    Shukke Tokudo References

    Hi all,

    I was curious if anyone knew of references in the literature, either online or in print form, to the practice of Shukke Tokudo.

    Many thanks in advance for any insights you can offer on this topic.

  • natezenmaster
    • Oct 2009
    • 160

    Re: Shukke Tokudo References

    Well... not sure what you're going for but that term registers on the following:

    Official Monks and Reclusive Monks: Focusing on the Salvation of Women
    Matsuo Kenji
    Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Vol. 64, No. 3 (2001), pp. 369-380

    Modern Japanese Drama in English
    J. Wetmore Jr. Kevin
    Asian Theatre Journal, Vol. 23, No. 1 (Spring, 2006), pp. 179-205

    Revisioning Religion in Ancient Japan
    Kazuhiko Yoshida, ????
    Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, Vol. 30, No. 1/2 (Spring, 2003), pp. 1-26

    Fukudenkai: Sewing the Buddha's Robe in Contemporary Japanese Buddhist Practice
    Diane E. Riggs
    Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, Vol. 31, No. 2, Traditional Buddhism in Contemporary Japan (2004), pp. 311-356

    Senauke, Hozan Alan (April 2006). "A Long and Winding Road: Soto Zen Training in America" . Teaching Theology & Religion (Blackwell Publishers) 9 (2): 127-132, 6p. ISSN 1467-9647 . OCLC 38912788 .

    However I don't think any of those are on the mark for your aims... I read through.. OK skimmed through.. the 1 above and thus don't think its to your liking.

    Google gave me around 5,000 hits...


    Shukke tokudo
    When a student is ready to receive ordination as a priest—an ordination reserved for only the most dedicated practitioner who has several years of training—then a ceremony known as shukke tokudo is held (meaning "home-leaver's ordination"). These individuals must feel a sense of calling to the priesthood, and only when their teacher confirms their readiness will the ceremony move forward. If affirmation is granted, the student will commence upon sewing themselves an okesa (monastic robe) and will also initiate studies of ethical precepts not unlike that carried out in the zaike tokudo. During the actual ceremony, the ordinand will receive the 16 Bodhisattva Precepts, have their head shaved, receive their okesa, the kechimyaku, and oryoki bowls.[Senauke]

    Perhaps of most interest to you would be the following:

    And then of course.. there's the Treeleaf video!

    https://<div class="videocontainer w... </a> </div>

    _/_ Nate


    • Fuken
      • Sep 2006
      • 435

      Re: Shukke Tokudo References

      I think these selections from the Nishijima-Cross translation of the Shobogenzo are relevent:

      • GYOJI (‘[Pure] Conduct and Observance [of Precepts] - Parts 1 & 2’), chapter 30, vol. 2
      • JUKI (‘Affirmation’), chapter 32, vol. 2
      • BODAISATTA-SHISHOBO (‘Four Elements of a Bodhisattva's Social Relations’), chapter 45, vol. 2
      • SHUKKE-KUDOKU (‘The Merit of Leaving Family Life’), chapter 86, vol. 4
      • KIE-SANBO (‘Taking Refuge in the Three Treasures’), chapter 88, vol. 4
      • JUKAI (‘Receiving the Precepts’), chapter 94, vol. 4
      Yours in practice,
      Jordan (&#34;Fu Ken&#34; translates to &#34;Wind Sword&#34;, Dharma name givin to me by Jundo, I am so glad he did not name me Wind bag.)


      • Jundo
        Treeleaf Founder and Priest
        • Apr 2006
        • 40110

        Re: Shukke Tokudo References

        Hi Guys,

        A brief chance for the internet from here in Hokkaido. Spent the night in torrential rains and a leaky tent, but today the sun is shining. All the adventure.

        As to Shukke Tokudo here at Treeleaf, I posted the following ...


        and here was the actual ceremony ...


        I second Fuken's recommendations of Master Dogen's several writings on homeleaving.

        These days, we are moving to a world in which Zen monks (especially from Japanese lineages who are typically married with kids, and sometimes an outside job too, for the last 130 years) are "homeleavers" whether at home or away from home ... always at one's True Home. Many folks do not know how to be truly Home ... whether at home or leaving home.

        Gassho, Jundo (at home, even away from home in a flood!)


        • Dosho
          • Jun 2008
          • 5784

          Re: Shukke Tokudo References

          Hi all,

          Thanks much guys!

          Clearly the definition of homeleaving has evolved and will continue to do so.

          Deep bows.



          • Shohei
            • Oct 2007
            • 2854

            Re: Shukke Tokudo References

            Late to this but I would third or fourth on reading Master Dogen's writtings in Shukke and Shukke Kudoku (4th book in Nishijima/Cross translation). Lots to look up in the document on training Jundo posted back last summer (er a year tomorrow - time flies!) Two Shores of zen is good too!


