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  • Gregor
    I think this is the original introductions thread

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  • Keishin

    Hellos to Blind Ox (Daniel Lee) SmoggyRob, Don'tKnow (Bill) and Louis--

    Gosh, Jundo do you think you might start hosting yearly tax write off seminars we could attend for annual 'Treeleaf' get togethers and have the opportunity to actually meet each other? We could make it a pot-luck to cut down on expenses!

    But come to think of it--it is the cyberness of this sangha which makes it truly truly special!


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  • BruceS
    Welcome to all the new guys from another fairly new guy!

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  • Dainin
    Hey Rob,

    Welcome! Go ahead and piss us off, we can take it! :wink:


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  • Jundo
    Welcome Rob and all the new folks!

    Gassho, Jundo

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  • Smoggyrob
    Guest replied
    Hi everyone:

    My name's Rob. I was born and raised in and around Los Angeles, except for two years in Mississippi and Caracas. I crashed my first computer when I was two (in 1967), and shortly thereafter began walking to school, uphill, both ways. We moved a lot when I was a kid, and it wasn't until about 1977 that I spent two Christmases in the same place. I started reading about Buddhism in the early 80's, but I'm a lazy bastard and am still struggling to establish a daily zazen practice. I read a lot. I had something I call a kensho experience around 1990 (while reading!), but that never did much for me. My wife and I met at Disneyland, and have been married for almost 13 years. We use our vacations to scout out beaches to retire to someday. I work as a regulator in a vehicle emissions testing program and used to be a technician in the same field. I started sitting weekly with Brad Warner a couple of years ago after reading Hardcore Zen.

    I joined this group because I really admire what Jundo is doing with this "online zen" thing. I hope to learn from all of you, and not piss any of you off too much.


    "If we learn from our mistakes, then I'm a VERY educated man."

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  • Dainin
    Hi Bill,

    Welcome! Great having you here!


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  • Bansho
    Hey Bill,

    nice to have you around, welcome.


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  • Eika
    Hello . . . I am a married 39 year old with three small children ages 3, 3, and 4 (yes, the 3s are twins). I have been meditating since 1994 with a couple of years in there where I fell away. I started attending a local Tibetan Buddhist center in 1994, but my personal practice was always more like Zen practice. I quit attending that group after about a year because I found it to be too ritual-oriented and full of practices that I couldn't connect with because of the vast cultural gulf between Tibetans and Americans (deities, tantra, etc.).
    I have always been drawn toward the directness of Zen and have recently been looking for a teacher to assist my practice. I have never had a teacher, so I have spent 12 years reading and meditating on my own. In some ways I think all of that solitary work has been great for me, but I also know that there are important ways of knowing that lie outside of the written word.
    The idea of a virtual zendo is intriguing because the nearest Zen center with a regular teacher is over two hours away. With my job and family that is a difficult trip to make regularly. I have been impressed with Jundo's teachings and find myself returning daily for them. I was truly grateful when I stumbled across the site. I look forward to getting to know you all.

    Respect to all,

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  • Bansho
    Hi Louis,

    Welcome. I used to live in Waltham, MA, which is not too far from Cambridge and also had strong ties to Providence, RI when I was living in Middletown and Bristol, RI. (I used to play with the 'Providence Mandolin Orchestra'). Small world, eh?


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  • Urug
    Welcome Louis



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  • Dainin
    Welcome Louis!

    I am a fellow Nutmegger, having grown up in Newington and attended grad school at UConn (go Huskies!).

    Having also grown up Catholic, Robert Kennedy's work has interested me. I have wanted to meet him since I read a few of his books.

    I am sure you'll fit in around here just fine!

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  • will
    Hi Louis. Welcome to treeleaf.

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  • louis
    Dearest TLfer's,

    This is Louis, and I've been sitting with you all for the better part of two months pretty much rain or shine. I live in Stamford CT, with my wife Tamiko and our 20 month old daughter Emma. Flako, our dog is the cause of my precepts lapses.

    Now in my mid 40's, I first was introduced to the Kwan Um Zen of Seung Sahn while in college in Cambridge MA and later in Providence RI. The 108 morning bows kept me fit, and I became quite fond of the chanting. Five years ago I would make a weekly trek to White Plains NY to sit with a group affiliated with the White Plum lineage under Robert Kennedy, who is also a Jesuit Priest in the Catholic Church. Our retreats were held in this locale, Inisfada, Gaelic for Long Island and quite swank. Having grown up Catholic, I found this group a welcomed progressive movement within my tradition.

    That was interrupted by a prolonged illness (much better now), and most recently the good fortune of being a father. I find Jundo a hoot, and trust his approach. I am grateful for the leaf's existence, and look forward to contributing to the Sangha.

    Gassho and with affection to all,

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  • Blind Ox
    Originally posted by Anonymous
    Hello Sanga!

    My given name is Daniel Lee. I live in a very small community called Old Boston, Texas (where they filmed parts of the Apostle ) on the outskirts of a small city Texarkana, on the border of Texas and Arkansas, a few miles from Oklahoma and Louisiana. I've practiced Tae kwon do for 23+ years or so, Escrima 16 years, jujitsu (weeping style) for 2 years. I meditated when I was a teenager but had a awkward experience that led me to believe it wasn't for me. I remember beginning then a few minutes twenty or so into it, everything began getting smaller. Like my consciousness was outgrowing my body on a cosmic level. There was such a rush sensation I became scared and said wow, but no way man. Well since I've sat in meditation on a few times since then but believe it may have been an over active imagination or truly vivid illusion. Anyway thanks to Jundo I am happy to sit for for the sake of just sitting. Truly a remarkable philosophy.

    I'm just an ordinary guy with 3 kids, no dog, and deep admiration for experiencing life to the fullest. Oh and I'm a grey headed 31 year old.

    That was me in disguise .

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