Re: kesa exhibition in Kyoto
Wonderful exhibits.
Thank you for sharing these, Taigu and Nigel.
kesa exhibition in Kyoto
Re: kesa exhibition in Kyoto
Thank you for sharing Taigu (and Nigel)!
These exhibition seem great! A pity we can't visit them so easily!
JinyuLeave a comment:
Re: kesa exhibition in Kyoto
Thanks Taigu
This is a bit of synchronicity, as I recently took some pupils to sashiko textiles exhibition. Please see link;
The kesa was mentioned but there were no examples, only some beautifully patterned clothing worn as by fishermen, farmers and labourers using small stitching that was incredible to behold particularly after the thumb numbing experiences of starting a rakasu!
Gassho NigelLeave a comment:
Re: kesa exhibition in Kyoto
yes , thank you for sharing this Taigu :mrgreen: When is going on a global tour then? :lol:
JoeLeave a comment:
Re: kesa exhibition in Kyoto
Thank you for so generously and freely sharing your experience. Your eyes were our eyes.
SoenLeave a comment:
Re: kesa exhibition in Kyoto
Just want to echo the thoughts above and say thank you for sharing this with us.
Gassho ~ Dave.Leave a comment:
Re: kesa exhibition in Kyoto
Shohei always says what I was going to say. Well, great minds, something.
Thank you Taigu...for this and all your teachings.
DoshoLeave a comment:
Re: kesa exhibition in Kyoto
Hello friends,
Rev. Taigu, thank you for posting this. It is very heartening to see, if only digitally, the Dogen's Kesa. For me, anyway, it really brings home how there is not much separating "now" and "then."
It's like a mirror. I see my own consternation with the fabric in his robe. :shock:
Much metta,
PerryLeave a comment:
Re: kesa exhibition in Kyoto
Wow! That is amazing, Thank you for sharing your trip!!
I looked over the link to the museum exhibit some very very old thread there, I can only imagine work in to those (Esp. the 25 stripe done with much more tricky equipment than we are accustom to)
ShoheiLeave a comment:
kesa exhibition in Kyoto
Hi all,
I was yesterday in Kyoto with my family and we went to the National museum where a big exhibition on kesas was held:
Transmiting robes, Linking minds, the world of Buddhist kasaya is a great exhibition because one can really look at complex robes as well as very simple nyohoe that used to be worn by Japanese emperors and ancestors.
The most touching kesa was a dark 25 stripes okesa sewn by Dogen. And I can tell you, I gave it a close inspection just to enjoy the beauty of the pattern and the great stitching of our ancestor. I picked it up symbolically, and sang the sutra of the kesa. I did it for everybody in Treeleaf and especially for those busy with fabric, needles, thread and the likes. ... betsu.html
We then paid a visit to the 1001 statues of Kannon in Sanjusangendo ( just next door ) and its radiant loving glow.
A complex and moving field of kannon-waves offered as a mere reflection to the flow of true Kannon in the flesh visiting the place.
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