Walking on eggshells: E-Sangha

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  • bayamo
    • Nov 2009
    • 411

    Walking on eggshells: E-Sangha

    Let me tiptoe VERY C A R E F U L L Y here: E-Sangha. Any one have any idea if that site will ever come back? Jundo I am aware this is a very delicate issue so I apologize if this is a scab I shouldn't pick at, I apologize in advance if this is one of those threads you need to lock. I don't want to rehash the whole issue, I just was curious if anyone has an update on their situation.
    Oh, yeah. If I didn't have inner peace, I'd go completely psycho on all you guys all the time.
    Carl Carlson
  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41002

    Re: Walking on eggshells: E-Sangha

    Originally posted by bayamo
    Let me tiptoe VERY C A R E F U L L Y here: E-Sangha. Any one have any idea if that site will ever come back? Jundo I am aware this is a very delicate issue so I apologize if this is a scab I shouldn't pick at, I apologize in advance if this is one of those threads you need to lock. I don't want to rehash the whole issue, I just was curious if anyone has an update on their situation.

    It is not sensitive at all! No eggshells!

    They were the victims of some massive hacking and data loss by somebody a year or so ago.


    I have no information one way or the other on their future plans (as you can see, they have a webpage up that says they may come back, but it has not been updated in ages). I actually think the site was a valuable resource, although many of their policies and outright discrimination (by their administrators who were from other schools of Buddhism) against Zennies was a serious problem. Some Zen clergy, such as Rev. Nonin Chowaney, actually think it better that they are "off the air" because of that (here is an essay he wrote on the subject).


    I have mixed feelings, although some aspects of the site were distasteful and deserved to be spoken out about.

    Gassho, Jundo

    PS - Just FYI, I don't think that I have ever locked a thread here in our Forum over the years since it started, other than "announcements" and such. Maybe once.

    (happy birthday, by the way, Bayamo!)


    • ShinMeiDokuJoh
      • Oct 2009
      • 11

      Re: Walking on eggshells: E-Sangha

      yes it is sad that so many valuable information is lost. So many people posted a lot about chantings, Sutras, several texts and so on. There I learned a lot, mainly about Theravada and also about many other buddhist traitions and - very important - there I 'met' many nice and interesting people.
      But what I wondered about, that several people don't seem to post even in other forums any more

      With best wishes
      [color=#000040:3ffofh2v]Japanese Zen Chanting: [/color:3ffofh2v][url:3ffofh2v]http://shinmeidokujoh.blogspot.com/[/url:3ffofh2v]


      • bayamo
        • Nov 2009
        • 411

        Re: Walking on eggshells: E-Sangha

        Thanks for the Bday wishes and the update!
        Oh, yeah. If I didn't have inner peace, I'd go completely psycho on all you guys all the time.
        Carl Carlson


        • chicanobudista
          • Mar 2008
          • 864

          Re: Walking on eggshells: E-Sangha

          Originally posted by Jundo
          PS - Just FYI, I don't think that I have ever locked a thread here in our Forum over the years since it started, other than "announcements" and such. Maybe once.
          Oh. Brother. My God. If people think Taigu or Jundo are ForumDictators they never posted in e-Sangha. :mrgreen:

          I have mixed feeling about e-Sangha. It was my first place where I actually made contact with other fellow Buddhists tru the internet. A place where you could connect with Buddhists of different traditions. That's where I got to know some folks now in TLZ and ZIF.


          It was also a place where you had mods with a specific view of "Buddhism". A place where in no way could you question them nor step out of the norm from their view. If you did...man!...[shudder]...into the freezer. :mrgreen:

          Flor de Nopal Sangha


          • bayamo
            • Nov 2009
            • 411

            Re: Walking on eggshells: E-Sangha

            I prefaced the comment that way (about locking it) 'cause I was apprehensive about even bringing it up. I mean, "within the online Buddhist community" there are a handful of hot potatoes that can get out of hand really fast. Nice to know that has never happened here.
            Oh, yeah. If I didn't have inner peace, I'd go completely psycho on all you guys all the time.
            Carl Carlson


            • Ankai
              Novice Priest-in-Training
              • Nov 2007
              • 1044

              Re: Walking on eggshells: E-Sangha

              Actually, Jundo, if you recall, it was all the drama there that led me over here. The Sensters were being flat out dismissed by the "establishment" over there... it was a rough time. I say that not to cast aspersions; it was simply what was happening, and Soto practitioners seemed to have a really special place in the hearts of the folks in charge over there. I'd say it was just short of being abusive.
              BUT, it caused me to read a lot of ideas and opinions, and ultimately sent me to Treeleaf. All is good.
              護道 安海

              -Godo Ankai

              I'm still just starting to learn. I'm not a teacher. Please don't take anything I say too seriously. I already take myself too seriously!

