NOTE TO EVERYONE SITTING THE RETREAT: Please look at the sitting time schedule (to be the same as last year HERE) ... day-j.html
...and plan out which recorded periods you will sit, and which live versions you will be able to sit and when in your time Zone. Not so complex to figure out once you look at the schedule.
I hope that many folks will elect to sit "real time" with Taigu and me. If sitting "real time", the retreat should encompass most all of your Saturday and Sunday (starting 6am, although you may join us a bit on your Friday night too if you wish ... ) in most of Europe and North America, until late in the evening. The way to accomplish that is for everyone to sit a combination of "live" and "recorded" segments over the weekend. In other words, some activities you can join live and other activities (because they happened in the middle of the night where you are, during your sleep time) you can do with the recording (while it is the middle of the night in Japan and Taigu and I are sleeping!)
See how that works! 8) ... day-j.html
...and plan out which recorded periods you will sit, and which live versions you will be able to sit and when in your time Zone. Not so complex to figure out once you look at the schedule.
I hope that many folks will elect to sit "real time" with Taigu and me. If sitting "real time", the retreat should encompass most all of your Saturday and Sunday (starting 6am, although you may join us a bit on your Friday night too if you wish ... ) in most of Europe and North America, until late in the evening. The way to accomplish that is for everyone to sit a combination of "live" and "recorded" segments over the weekend. In other words, some activities you can join live and other activities (because they happened in the middle of the night where you are, during your sleep time) you can do with the recording (while it is the middle of the night in Japan and Taigu and I are sleeping!)
See how that works! 8)