ANGO TALKS: The Zen Way of Cooking

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  • Shonin
    Re: ANGO TALKS: The Zen Way of Cooking

    *deep gassho to the newly appointed Machine Master*

    Dave _/_

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  • Jundo
    Re: ANGO TALKS: The Zen Way of Cooking

    Originally posted by Tobiishi

    On number 5:

    The Rules of Purity say, "When preparing meals, one should reflect intimately on one's own self; [the food] will then of itself be pure and refined."
    True, from my own experience at work. I operate various book-binding machines, and in the early days of my job I would get frustrated and then furious at the obstinate equipment, throwing tools and books and cursing... I eventually learned to stop taking everything so seriously, and just chill out. Now I get comments occasionally from people surprised that I can have so much difficulty with something, and remain methodical and calm. I just mind my mind, and let the task work itself out. Turns out I'm more productive overall than when I tried to bulldog my way through things.

    I hereby appoint you 'Official' Machine Master of our Monastery. That's what its about.

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  • Tobiishi
    Re: ANGO TALKS: The Zen Way of Cooking


    On number 5:

    The Rules of Purity say, "When preparing meals, one should reflect intimately on one's own self; [the food] will then of itself be pure and refined."
    True, from my own experience at work. I operate various book-binding machines, and in the early days of my job I would get frustrated and then furious at the obstinate equipment, throwing tools and books and cursing... I eventually learned to stop taking everything so seriously, and just chill out. Now I get comments occasionally from people surprised that I can have so much difficulty with something, and remain methodical and calm. I just mind my mind, and let the task work itself out. Turns out I'm more productive overall than when I tried to bulldog my way through things.


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  • Jinyu
    Re: ANGO TALKS: The Zen Way of Cooking

    Originally posted by JeanVB
    Excellent talk today, Chef Jundo. Love the apron.
    I just have seen it... and I totally love it!
    Tenzokyokun is a very profound and meaningfull text...
    I always had very good contacts with tenzo during sesshins... maybe because I'm a veggie and they just know LOTS of recipies!!! or maybe just because I love to eat :roll:

    Gassho Jundo!

    ps: Ok, I'm off the subject :?

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  • Tobiishi
    Re: ANGO TALKS: The Zen Way of Cooking


    On "Cooking Part 2":

    By shifting the emphasis a bit you get "...protect and be frugal with your own eyes" as if they were the ingredients for everyone's meal... be careful what you do with your senses altogether.


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  • Tobiishi
    Re: ANGO TALKS: The Zen Way of Cooking

    "One should maintain a way-seeking mind, make adjustments in accord with the occasion, and see to it that the great assemby receives what is necessary and is at ease."
    This could apply not only to a monastery, but also a country, community, family, even an individual (where the 'great assembly' would be the organs and systems of the body) I made an adjustment on Monday when I had dinner with my parents, and forgot to bring my own veggies for the grill- I knew my mom would feel bad for not making me something, so I kept quiet about it and ate a burger.


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  • will
    Re: ANGO TALKS: The Zen Way of Cooking

    Isn't every job like this?
    Yes. But you have to remember Tobiishi; the Tenzo use to cook for everyone using the most meager of ingredients to make something quite edible.

    Of course there's not really a difference, as far as doing a good job no matter what it is; However, think about it. Look at the detail Dogen adds "Counting the grains of rice" etc.. If one doesn't have the ability to handle things with clarity and a certain demeanor, it can end up being a really stressful job. Your not just cooking for yourself, but all the other Buddhas in the dining hall. It's made with care and sufficiency.

    I guess for us, it would be the same practice but on a smaller scale. Of course, I'm not the expert.



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  • Tobiishi
    Re: ANGO TALKS: The Zen Way of Cooking

    "In order to offer nourishment to the monks of the community, there is a cook."
    In order to keep the field mouse population under control, there are coyotes. In order for the topsoil to stay in one place, there are the roots of grass... maybe its just an accident of translation, but this is the tone I get from this sentence.

    In general, the job of cook is an all-consuming pursuit of the way. If one lacks the way-seeking mind, it will be nothing but a vain struggle and hardship, without benefit in the end.
    Isn't every job like this?


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  • Kent
    Re: ANGO TALKS: The Zen Way of Cooking

    Great talk today. You do a mean Julia Child, she would have been proud of your "impeccably clean hands". :lol: Kent

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  • Shonin
    Re: ANGO TALKS: The Zen Way of Cooking

    Awesome, ty. Will go over it a lil later. : )

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  • Jikyo
    Re: ANGO TALKS: The Zen Way of Cooking

    Excellent talk today, Chef Jundo. Love the apron.

    Gassho, Jean

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  • Jundo
    Re: ANGO TALKS: The Zen Way of Cooking

    Originally posted by ZenDave
    You had mentioned posting the reading too. Did I miss it somewhere?

    This link is on the blog posting above ...

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  • Shonin
    Re: ANGO TALKS: The Zen Way of Cooking

    You had mentioned posting the reading too. Did I miss it somewhere?


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  • Jundo
    started a topic ANGO TALKS: The Zen Way of Cooking

    ANGO TALKS: The Zen Way of Cooking

    Hi All,

    I have posted the first talk of the 'sit-a-long' series that's the main them for this ANGO ...


    ... We're cookin' now!

    This ain't your mother's cookbook ...

    ... but a recipe for how to cook your whole life ... the universe as a grand souffle ...

    So, please grab a spoon and start stirring. ... -cook.html