You can't describe Zen. It's impossible. It's just there.
On that note, we can use our faculties to get across a meaning.
Taigu, Maybe a good idea, but I don't think creating a new language is necessary. Maybe. Try it out
When we talk about Zen, we talk. That's it. Conveying a meaning for something that you already have but miss it here and now.
Pointing to something that has no point.
All that aside, I'll use language now to convey something: Dropping. Forgetting, and leaving be.
Sometimes we hold on to something someone said or we said. The best example is an argument. In an argument we try to convince the other person of our idea, opinion, or point of view. Zen is more of a taste of dropping. When we argue with someone that idea might hang there. It doesn't go away. We come back to it. We have an idea of "me" and "this other person". Zen is not argument. It's offering, and allowing. So if someone just won't listen, drop it. Forget about it. Our practice teaches us this.
This is a good point because we are always holding on to something whether it be the idea that have to wash the frig, or pay the phone bill. We might hold an idea about Art, or a T.V. program. It keeps playing over and over continuously until there's a break for a second. Then it comes back.
So, what I'm trying to say here is: Study it. Notice it. Drop it. Sounds impossible sometimes and that's fine. Just keep doing it. To study the know the rest.
Forget about it. Move on. Go on to your next task.
So I'll post something here from Dogen the man:
On that note, we can use our faculties to get across a meaning.
Taigu, Maybe a good idea, but I don't think creating a new language is necessary. Maybe. Try it out

When we talk about Zen, we talk. That's it. Conveying a meaning for something that you already have but miss it here and now.
Pointing to something that has no point.
All that aside, I'll use language now to convey something: Dropping. Forgetting, and leaving be.
Sometimes we hold on to something someone said or we said. The best example is an argument. In an argument we try to convince the other person of our idea, opinion, or point of view. Zen is more of a taste of dropping. When we argue with someone that idea might hang there. It doesn't go away. We come back to it. We have an idea of "me" and "this other person". Zen is not argument. It's offering, and allowing. So if someone just won't listen, drop it. Forget about it. Our practice teaches us this.
This is a good point because we are always holding on to something whether it be the idea that have to wash the frig, or pay the phone bill. We might hold an idea about Art, or a T.V. program. It keeps playing over and over continuously until there's a break for a second. Then it comes back.
So, what I'm trying to say here is: Study it. Notice it. Drop it. Sounds impossible sometimes and that's fine. Just keep doing it. To study the know the rest.
Forget about it. Move on. Go on to your next task.
So I'll post something here from Dogen the man:
Shobogenzo Zuimonki
Even if you are speaking rationally 1 and another person says something unreasonable, it is wrong to defeat him by arguing logically. On the other hand, it is not good to give up hastily saying that you are wrong, even though you think that your opinion is reasonable.
Neither defeats him, nor withdraw saying you are wrong. It is best to just leave the matter alone and stop arguing. If you act as if you have not heard and forget about the matter, he will forget too and will not get angry. This is a very important thing to bear in mind.
1. The original Japanese is dori, which means, (1) principle, truth, (2) reason, argument.
Even if you are speaking rationally 1 and another person says something unreasonable, it is wrong to defeat him by arguing logically. On the other hand, it is not good to give up hastily saying that you are wrong, even though you think that your opinion is reasonable.
Neither defeats him, nor withdraw saying you are wrong. It is best to just leave the matter alone and stop arguing. If you act as if you have not heard and forget about the matter, he will forget too and will not get angry. This is a very important thing to bear in mind.
1. The original Japanese is dori, which means, (1) principle, truth, (2) reason, argument.