Re: Discovering my anti-dogma dogma
What I'm saying is that there isn't much 'cult of personality' going on here. Brad's got his 'punk rock dharma' thing going on. Other teachers have the intimacy of their personal story.
I wasn't pointing out any flaws here with that. I have no doubt that your biography and personal story are readily available - my point was, they are not a center-point to the way you teach.
It's more a stylistic difference. It's hard to identify with you as 'my' teacher because there's not much story to cling to. If someone grew up 'punk rock' or rebellious or identifies with the punk ethos - not only would he or she likely be drawn to Brad, the chances of a 'sycophantic' defense relationship would be much higher, because 'when you attack my guru, you attack me' (in that I identify with my teacher). It's the same thing with many other teachers with more ostentatious biographies or ethos-related styles, any number of which may be sub-consciously attractive to a student completely separate from any real usefulness of his or her teachings. Like anything, such sub-conscious attraction can be used for the student's benefit or to their detriment.
I don't feel any compelling need to defend you when you act like a dick. It's just, 'Huh, Jundo was kind of a dick there.' Similarly, when you are compassionate or resonating with something I see - I don't feel any 'pride' at the wisdom of 'my teacher'. It's more like, 'Huh, Jundo's sorta on to something there. Maybe I should look at that.' (You had more influence on me in the Adyashanti thread than you probably realize, for instance).
Maybe that's just me - because I don't really feel drawn to 'gurus'.
Originally posted by Jundo
I wasn't pointing out any flaws here with that. I have no doubt that your biography and personal story are readily available - my point was, they are not a center-point to the way you teach.
It's more a stylistic difference. It's hard to identify with you as 'my' teacher because there's not much story to cling to. If someone grew up 'punk rock' or rebellious or identifies with the punk ethos - not only would he or she likely be drawn to Brad, the chances of a 'sycophantic' defense relationship would be much higher, because 'when you attack my guru, you attack me' (in that I identify with my teacher). It's the same thing with many other teachers with more ostentatious biographies or ethos-related styles, any number of which may be sub-consciously attractive to a student completely separate from any real usefulness of his or her teachings. Like anything, such sub-conscious attraction can be used for the student's benefit or to their detriment.
I don't feel any compelling need to defend you when you act like a dick. It's just, 'Huh, Jundo was kind of a dick there.' Similarly, when you are compassionate or resonating with something I see - I don't feel any 'pride' at the wisdom of 'my teacher'. It's more like, 'Huh, Jundo's sorta on to something there. Maybe I should look at that.' (You had more influence on me in the Adyashanti thread than you probably realize, for instance).
Maybe that's just me - because I don't really feel drawn to 'gurus'.