what to write?

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  • Jundo
    Re: what to write?

    Hi Tb,

    I know that you would leave the page blank and hand it in! But your professor might not understand.

    So, I would explain to your teacher on one page about the teaching methods of the Zen Masters, meant to redirect perspectives and redefine logic ...

    A monk once asked Jo Ju, "I have just entered the monastery. Please teach me, Master."
    Jo Ju said, "Have you had breakfast?"
    "Yes, I have," replied the monk.
    "Then," said Jo Ju, "wash your bowls."
    The monk was enlightened.


    Once upon a time when Buddha was in Grdhrakuta mountain, he twirled a flower in his finger and held it before his congregation. Everyone was silent. Only Maha Kashapa wholeheartedly smiled. Buddha said, "I have the eye of the true teaching, the heart of Nirvana, the formless form, the mysterious gate of Dharma. Beyond the words and beyond all teachings to be transmitted, I now pass this on to Maha Kashapa."


    Nansen saw the monks of the eastern and western halls fighting over a baby cat. He seized the cat and said, "If (any of) you can say (a word of Zen), you can spare the cat. Otherwise I will kill it." No one could answer. So Nansen cut the cat in two .

    That evening Joshu returned and Nansen told him what had happened. Joshu thereupon took off his sandals and, placing them on his head, walked away. Nansen said, "If only you had been there, you could have saved the cat."
    THEN ... hand in the second page blank!

    Gassho, J

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  • Dojin
    Re: what to write?

    well since it is a thesis you cant write something like

    " it is what it is "
    and be done with that.

    i would suggest trying to explain a bit of the history of who the Buddha was and the 4 noble truth plus the 8 fold path.

    but dont try to explain karma or anything beyond that since the more you try to explain the further you get from the shore so to speak.

    hope that helps.

    good luck with you thesis.

    Best regards, Daniel.


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  • Tb
    started a topic what to write?

    what to write?


    As some of you know, im curently writing a master thesis on "buddhism and the art of teaching".
    Now, im faced with a problem, i want to write a short introduction about buddhism, but what do i take up and how do i put it?
    It has to be short, (1-2 pages) so i cant explain the whole shabang, but what is essential to take with and how do i write it? :twisted:

    May the force be with you