Hmm deep... and very cool topic! Thank you Ann!
By the way "Blue goes" to my daughter... what ever is blue and in her view... ie - blue may be sky so Blue goes - Swooosh (wind) or twinkle twinkle or if there is a blue bird then tweet tweet

Okay so as for the numbers are colours or the mmm this smells like "B" or tastes like happy - I cant say if I do or not

Anywho... during Zazen i find my ears are EXTRA sensitive to light noise and my entire body reacts to the noise, such as a click of the electric base board heater kicking in is like a bomb drop and my entire being seems to be tuned into my ears for that moment, but i may never ever hear the news on the tv in the back ground. I try not to focus on ears/eyes/noes/or toes but i find they (sense) all get heightened and lessened through out sitting as thoughts pass through. Does that make sense?
Gassho Dirk
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