a year or so back i mentioned mindfulness as a practice, and was either ignored or rebuffed, as it doesn't seem to be popular here. I am just curious, why is it so frowned upon here, or in zen in general? speaking to that, probably one of the most famous, popular zen monks/writers, thich nhat hanh, makes mindfulness a central and important part of his teachings. i am interested in the practice, and the four foundations, because, well, to borrow a rather common but apt phrase from pema chodron, i seem to have an unusually busy, reactive mind, which causes me no end of grief, being lost in patterns, and loops all the time.
just would like some feedback on mindfulness in general, the pros and cons, etc. (i've heard mindfulness descriped as "spiritual heroin", but, tbh, i've heard buddhism in general called much the same thing)
sat today
just would like some feedback on mindfulness in general, the pros and cons, etc. (i've heard mindfulness descriped as "spiritual heroin", but, tbh, i've heard buddhism in general called much the same thing)
sat today