Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? (A Sit-a-Long Series)

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41056

    Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? (A Sit-a-Long Series)

    Dear All Bodhisattvas!

    Below is a series of 'sit-a-longs' reflecting on several of the famous "Greats" among the Bodhisattvas ... Kannon, Maitreya, Manjusri, Jizo, Samantabhadra, Vimalakīrti and others ... as well as the qualities of a Bodhisattva which can manifest in any of our words, thoughts and actions in life ...

    This series is greatly inspired by Taigen Dan Leighton's wonderful book "Faces of Compassion: Classic Bodhisattva Archetypes and Their Modern Expression"./

    I - Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva?

    II - Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - The Virtue of Generosity

    III - Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - The Virtue of the Precepts

    IV - Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - The Virtue of Patience

    V - Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - The Virtue of Effort

    VI- Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - The Virtue of Meditation

    VII - Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - The Virtue of Wisdom

    VIII - Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - The Virtue of Skillful Means

    IX - Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - The Virtue of Vow & Commitment

    X - Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - The Virtue of Mystical Powers

    XI - Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - (MORE) The Virtue of Mystical Powers

    XII - Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - The Virtue of Knowledge

    XIII - Whattsa NOT'SA Bodhisattva? Living Devil: Mara

    XIV - Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - Shakyamuni

    XV - Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - Manjushri

    XVI - Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - Samantabhadra

    XVII - Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - Avalokiteshvara (Kannon)

    XVIII - Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - Kshitigarbha (Jizo)

    XIX - Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - Maitreya

    XX - Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva - Vimalakīrti

    Gassho, Jundo


    Last edited by Kotei; 05-16-2024, 07:52 PM.
  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41056

    Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva?

    Over the next few weeks, we'll be looking at several of the famous "Greats" among the Bodhisattvas.

    The "Greats" include Kannon, Maitreya, Manjusri, Jizo, Samantabhadra and many others. We'll look at a few Buddhas too ...

    Especially in Mahayana Buddhism, a "Bodhisattva" is an enlightened being, or one bound for enlightenment, who ... motivated by great compassion, and even postponing her own attainment of ultimate Buddhahood ... vows to use her wisdom to aid other human beings to attain liberation.

    But, ya know, that may be YOU on both the receiving and giving end of that.
    Last edited by Bion; 05-14-2024, 07:48 PM.


    • Jundo
      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
      • Apr 2006
      • 41056

      Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - The Virtue of Generosity

      Ten Pure Virtues or "Perfections" (Paramitas in Sanskrit) are fundamental to the Bodhisattva path.

      Today, we will discuss Generosity (Dana Paramita)

      Last edited by Bion; 05-14-2024, 07:49 PM.


      • Jundo
        Treeleaf Founder and Priest
        • Apr 2006
        • 41056

        Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - The Virtue of the Precepts

        Ten Pure Virtues or "Perfections" (Paramitas in Sanskrit) are fundamental to the Bodhisattva path.

        Today, we will discuss the Perfection of an ethical life,
        in keeping with the Precepts (Shila Paramita)

        Last edited by Bion; 05-14-2024, 07:50 PM.


        • Jundo
          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
          • Apr 2006
          • 41056

          Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - The Virtue of Patience

          Ten Pure Virtues or "Perfections" (Paramitas in Sanskrit) are fundamental to the Bodhisattva path.

          Today, we will discuss the Perfection of Patience (Kshanti Paramita)

          If the video does not work today ...
          please consider it a perfect chance to put this Perfection into Practice!
          Last edited by Bion; 05-14-2024, 07:50 PM.


          • Jundo
            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
            • Apr 2006
            • 41056

            Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - The Virtue of Effort

            Last time, in our discussion of the Ten Pure Virtues or "Perfections" (Paramitas) of the Bodhisattva path ...
            we talked about "Patience" ...

            ... and today we will talk about the Perfection of Effort and Diligence (Virya Paramita).

            All the perfections go hand-in-hand, each supporting and nurturing the others. Each is part of the Bodhisattva's vow to "Save All Sentient Beings". But "Patience" and "Diligent Effort" have a special bond ...

            Our way might be called "patience in effort", "stillness in motion" "quiet in action" ...

            ... for, with the latter alone, we are always running headlong through life, trying to find the end of a rainbow which we never reach, rarely at ease, unsatisfied, never arriving at the ultimate goal ...
            ... while the former alone leads to passivity, inaction, complacency and resignation.

            Thus, remember that our teachings emphasize, not just stillness ... but stillness in, as and amid the motion. Yes, we are like a stone Buddha in the garden, sitting with come what may, not budging if it rains or if the sun comes out. It is all the same
            .... yet the stone Buddha rises, dances and lives life!

            This is the reason I repeatedly emphasize that our Way is stillness in action ... effort without effort ...

            Last edited by Bion; 05-14-2024, 07:51 PM.


            • Jundo
              Treeleaf Founder and Priest
              • Apr 2006
              • 41056

              Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - The Virtue of Meditation

              On Today's "Top Ten" Countdown of the "Pure Virtues of the Bodhisattva" ...

              ... we come to No. 5 ... Meditation .. Dhyana ...
              (not to be confused with the 50's song 'Diana' ...

              Hold me, darling, ho-ho hold me tight
              Squeeze me baby with-a all your might

              Oh, please stay by me, Diana
              Oh, please, Diana
              Oh, please, Diana
              Oh, please, Diana)

              Anyway, we spoke about this just a few days ago, in looking at Master Dogen's 'Bendowa" ... how 'Zazen' may thus appear to be well down the list ... just one of many Buddhist practices ...
              ... but is better seen as the very center of all ... Zazen as the heart & foundation of the Bodhisattva Virtues.

              Zazen is the spindle which makes the whole record spin, baby!
              (for those old folks who remember 'records')

              And if you think too that Zazen's just some narrow form of 'meditation' ... a little tool, bit of a mind trip, some one hit wonder ...
              ... change that tune!

              Like that song says ...

              You and I will be as free
              As the birds up in the trees
              ... Dhyana

              Last edited by Bion; 05-14-2024, 07:53 PM.


              • Jundo
                Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                • Apr 2006
                • 41056

                Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - The Virtue of Wisdom

                Now we come to Wisdom (Prajna Paramita)

                In Mahayana Buddhism, this means seeing into, piercing ... emptiness ...

                being, allowing, witnessing and losing ourselves in ... the dance of emptiness ...

                Last edited by Bion; 05-14-2024, 07:59 PM.
                ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                • Jundo
                  Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                  • Apr 2006
                  • 41056

                  Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - The Virtue of Skillful Means

                  We continue with our series on the Ten Pure Virtues or "Perfections" of a Bodhisattva ....

                  with Skillful Means (Upaya)

                  Historian and Soto Zen Priest Taigen Dan Leighton writes ...
                  Skillful Means, upaya in Sanskrit ... is an essential concept in Mahayana Buddhism. Skillful means, sometimes translated as tactfulness, expedients, or ingenuity, is the practice of applying awakening teaching to the diverse variety of students or practitioners. ...

                  The idea of skillful means became crucial to the adoption of Buddhist ideas into China, and thereafter in all of East Asia. Skillful means is fully expressed and elaborated in the Lotus Sutra, probably the most influential Buddhist text in East Asia. Several colorful parables depict aspects of skillful means. In the parable of the burning house, a man comes home to find his house in flames and his children playing inside. When he tells them to flee the house they refuse, as they would rather play with their toys. The father finally entices them from the house with descriptions of many colorful carriages waiting outside. They exit to find only one ox cart, symbolizing the One Vehicle of Buddha's Way that can carry everyone. The One Vehicle includes all the various skillful teachings for saving beings from the flames of worldly suffering. The sutra emphasizes that the father in the parable was not lying, as he lured the children from the burning house to save them. ...

                  The idea of many teachings and practices applied skillfully to the single aim of spiritual awakening is an appealing approach for a modern Western understanding of the sometimes confusing abundance of Buddhist schools. Moreover, skillful means might be a way of respecting the pluralism of all religious traditions in our contemporary global interconnectedness. All traditions may be equally respected for the value of their teachings as they apply to different peoples' particular approaches to ultimate religious truth, and to primary principles such as kindness and compassion. ...

                  The practice of skillful means reminds us to listen to others respectfully, honor their differences, and recognize that others may have different needs and benefit from different teachings and practices. Following the model of the bodhisattva of compassion, we must not self-righteously cling to any particular method. We can learn various useful approaches, and as we learn to trust and respond with whatever is at hand, our skillfulness can develop.

                  (from An Introduction to Skillful Means)

                  Last edited by Bion; 05-14-2024, 08:00 PM.
                  ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                  • Jundo
                    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                    • Apr 2006
                    • 41056

                    Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - The Virtue of Vow & Commitment

                    In keeping with our 90-day Ango Practice Season, we look at the Bodhisattva Virtue of ....

                    Vow and Commitment (pranidhana)

                    The most fundamental Bodhisattva's vows are these four, which we chant daily ...

                    To save all sentient beings, though beings numberless

                    To transform all delusions, though delusions inexhaustible

                    To perceive Reality, though Reality is boundless

                    To attain the Enlightened Way, a Way non-attainable

                    Likewise, 'Ango' is a time of many other vows ... an expression of dedication and intention sustaining effort, practice and beneficial activities toward our self and others (not two)

                    Last edited by Bion; 05-14-2024, 08:01 PM.
                    ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                    • Jundo
                      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                      • Apr 2006
                      • 41056

                      Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - The Virtue of Mystical Powers

                      We now come to the Bodhisattva Virtue of ....

                      Miraculous, Mystical Powers (bala)

                      Mahayana sutras and lore refer to a variety of supernatural powers developed through meditation and Buddhist practice, said of aid to the Bodhisattva ... such as the ability to foretell the future, to see the past lives of beings, to read minds, to radiate light and to cause rain ... others too ...
                      There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

                      Taigen Dan Leighton writes ...

                      Buddhist attitude toward such powers has often been ambivalent, particularly in the Zen tradition, which emphasizes attention to ordinary, everyday activity. This outlook was epitomized in the legendary utterance by the great eighth-century Chinese adept, Layman Pang, that the ultimate super- natural power was chopping wood and carrying water. The ordinary world, just as it is, can be appreciated as an amazing, wondrous event. And experiences that seem supernatural and miraculous may only appear so to the limited portions of our mental and spiritual faculties that we conventionally employ.
                      Last edited by Bion; 05-14-2024, 08:02 PM.
                      ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                      • Jundo
                        Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                        • Apr 2006
                        • 41056

                        Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - (MORE) The Virtue of Mystical Powers

                        More of the Bodhisattva Virtue of Miraculous, Mystical Powers (bala)
                        In the Tashin tsû (Penetration of Other's Minds) portion of the Shôbôgenzô, the subject is mental telepathy, one of the supernormal powers (abhijñâ) regularly said in Buddhist literature to be accessible to great meditators. Here, Dôgen takes up the famous story of a Zen master's test of the mind-reading powers of an Indian monk claiming such ability. Dogen expresses his doubts about such powers, while seeing the mind of self and the mind of others in a grander way ... :

                        "Tell me," said the [National Teacher, Master Dazheng Huizheng to the Indian Master], "where's this old monk right now?"
                        The [Indian] Master said, "Reverend Preceptor, you're the teacher to a nation; [so, why are you thinking to] go off to Xichuan to watch the boat races?"
                        The Teacher asked again, "Tell me, where's this old monk right now?"
                        The [Indian] Master said, "Reverend Preceptor, you're the teacher to a nation; how could you be on the T'ianjin bridge watching the playing monkeys?"
                        The Teacher asked a third time, "Tell me, where's this old monk right now?"
                        The [Indian] Master said nothing for a while, not knowing where the Teacher had gone.
                        The Teacher said, "This fox spirit! Where's his penetration of other minds?

                        [Dogen comments]:

                        [T]he National Teacher's basic intention in testing the Master [from India by] saying, "Tell me, where's this old monk right now?" is to test whether the [Indian] Master is an eye to see the buddha dharma -- to test whether the [Indian] Master has the penetration of other minds in the buddha dharma. ... The National Teacher's saying, "Where's this old monk right now?" is like his asking, "What is this old monk?" [To say,] "Where's this old monk right now?" is to ask, "What time is right now?" [To ask,] "Where?" is to say, "Where is here?" There is a reason [to ask] what to call this old monk: a national teacher is not always an "old monk"; an "old monk" is always a "fist." ... Do not think that those types who seek to get the penetration of other minds can know the whereabouts of the National Teacher ... If it cannot know the way of the buddhas and ancestors, what good is [such ability]? It is useless to the way of the buddha ...In the buddha dharma, if we are going to say that there is the penetration of other minds, there should be the penetration of other bodies, the penetration of other fists, the penetration of other eyes. If this is so, there should also be the penetration of one's own mind, the penetration of one's own body. And once this is the case, one's own mind taking up itself is at once the penetration of one's own mind. To express such a statement is the penetration of other minds as one's own mind itself. Let me just ask, "Should we take up the penetration of other minds, or should we take up the penetration of one's own mind?
                        Speak up! Speak up!

                        Last edited by Bion; 05-14-2024, 08:03 PM.
                        ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                        • Jundo
                          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                          • Apr 2006
                          • 41056

                          Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - The Virtue of Knowledge

                          The Tenth of the Bodhisattva's Ten Virtues is .... Knowledge (Jñāna) ...

                          In Saving All Sentient Beings ... Knowledge Goes a Long Way ...

                          Last edited by Bion; 05-14-2024, 08:12 PM.
                          ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                          • Jundo
                            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                            • Apr 2006
                            • 41056

                            SIT-A-LONG with JUNDO: LIVING DEVIL

                            Today, though, let's talk about the Devil, Satan, Mara, Evil ...

                            Oh, I believe in the Devil! Bodhisattvas too.
                            (As a matter of fact, looks like the Devil got to my haircut!)

                            Last edited by Bion; 05-14-2024, 08:12 PM.
                            ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                            • Jundo
                              Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                              • Apr 2006
                              • 41056

                              Whattsa Who'sa Bodhisattva? - SHAKYAMUNI

                              Today, the Bodhisattva Bossman ... we're looking at Shakyamuni ... the man who became "THE BUDDHA".

                              Now, most folks usually think of Shakyamuni as "THE BUDDHA" ... but before he was"THE BUDDHA" Shakyamuni was a young seeker, in search of the key to human suffering to benefit all sentient beings, not himself alone. That seeking, that "Vow to Save All Sentient Beings" is precisely what makes a Bodhisattva a "Bodhisattva".

                              There are legendary tales as well, the hundreds of "Jataka Tales" and others, of past lives of the Buddha ... past lives as man, woman, fish and animals too, in which he gave of himself time and again to benefit others ... often sacrificing his very life to save others. These tales, merely legend or not, show how Shakyamuni came to symbolize selfless, compassionate giving as a Bodhisattva.

                              But I would insist that, even after becoming "THE BUDDHA", Shakyamuni as "THE BODHISATTVA" still remained ... for Gautama Buddha did not remain sitting under that Bodhi Tree complacent in his own peace and discovery ... nor did he vanish immediately from this world ... but rose up to walk across India, teaching, serving and helping others for the next 40 years ... helping others even now.
                              Last edited by Bion; 05-14-2024, 08:13 PM.
                              ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE

