Zen Practice with Physical Illness or Disability

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41064

    Zen Practice with Physical Illness or Disability

    Dear Everyone,

    Treeleaf is an online sangha, designed with the intention of providing a place for people to practice Zen who are not able to physically access a ‘bricks and mortar’ dharma centre. Reasons for not being able to attend a physical centre include reasons of geography, life circumstances (such as working hours, caring for young children or sick relatives) and, also, having physical illness or disability.

    As such, we welcome members who have physical challenges in their everyday lives which also apply to some aspects of practicing Zen. This information is intended to answer some of the most frequently asked questions which may cause people with varying physical abilities to think they cannot practice Zen or cannot do so ‘properly’, and also provide some resources on the topic from Zen and Buddhist teachers and organisations. Even if we are currently healthy, illness and aging are a certainty in life so at some point we will have to modify our practice to accommodate physical frailties.

    Although some of us in the sangha already practice with disability and/or physical illness, the challenges we face may not be the challenges that you face. While we have attempted to be as inclusive as we can, please let us know if you require information or assistance that is not here, and applies to your particular situation. By doing this, we can increase the scope of support offered.

    Zen can be a very physical practice. To begin with, being able to sustain posture on the cushion can be very demanding for anyone with challenges to their physical health. When we see rows of students sitting in the lotus posture, or half-lotus, Burmese etc, that can seem like the correct way to do things. However, forcing yourself into a posture which is more than a little uncomfortable (postures can initially feel odd as your body adjusts to them) is not conducive to good sitting and this is even more true if trying to do so might cause you long-term damage through pushing your body too hard.

    If you can do the traditional postures but need support in the form of additional cushions, a neck brace, back support and such like, it is completely fine to do this.

    Alternative postures to the standard zafu sitting include sitting in a chair (often with a cushion or zafu under your feet so if they do not naturally reach the floor), lying on your side (such as the Buddha’s parinirvana posture) and lying on your back (including support under your knees) such as in the yoga śavāsana (corpse) pose.

    This article gives some advice on alternative postures.

    It is perfectly fine to attend zazenkai and other sits and ceremonies in supported or reclining postures.

    Bowing, especially full-length prostrations, can be physically demanding. If prostrations are required in the weekly zazenkai or other ceremony, you can instead visualise doing this with your hands held in gassho (if you are able). If the gassho position (palms together and held with the base of the thumbs in the centre of the chest) cannot be achieved or maintained, it is okay just to visualise doing this also. If your physical ability necessitates a one-handed gassho, this is completely acceptable.

    Kinhin (mindful walking) occurs between sessions of zazen in the weekly and monthly zazenkai. If you are unable to walk, then this can be replaced with some mindful stretching. Part of the function of kinhin is to stretch the muscles after zazen in addition to being aware of our body as it moves. Stretching also achieves both of these things.

    If stretching is not possible then consider watching the movement of the breth.

    If you are able to do a brief amount of kinhin then please do this for as long as you are able and then either stretch or watch the breath as above.

    Jukai (taking the precepts) and Shukke Tokudo (homeleaving ordination) both require sewing as part of the preparation for the ceremony. Before Jukai, participants sew a rakusu. Before Shukke Tokudo a kesa is sewn. These sewing activities are part of a commitment to the practice and the ceremony about to happen but rely on the sangha member being sufficiently able to sew.

    If you require assistance or modifications to the normal method to be able to sew (such as using a machine rather than hand stitching) this should almost always be possible. If no sewing, or very limited sewing is possible, then a family member or sangha friend can make part or whole of the rakusu or kesa for you. We do not wish someone who wishes to be part of the sangha and take the precepts to be prevented from doing so because of this.

    Here at Treeleaf, we sit zazen in the traditional Sōtō style, in full completeness with nothing lacking. However, while it is not the aim of practice, it has been noticed that levels of pain during and after sitting can feel reduced. This may be of benefit to sangha members who experience pain, especially chronic pain.

    Jundo talks about sitting with pain and alternative postures here.

    Some people with illness and disability find it hard to sustain a consistent interaction with Treeleaf or need periods of time away when their health becomes bad. Firstly, many able-bodied members have life circumstances which mean that they also struggle to keep up with the sangha on a day-to-day basis and many also take time away for personal reasons, so you are not alone in this. Secondly, there is a thread on the forum for letting us know if you are going to be away for a while. Also, please let one of the unsui know or a sangha friend if you would like us to be in contact and support you while you are away. It is often the times that you need to be away from the sangha that you might need us most.


    It is also important to be very careful if you feel or suspect that you might have a present physical or mental condition that might interfere with Zazen or other activities in our Sangha. If you are not sure, then you should consult with a doctor or mental health professional and only participate with their approval, guidance and oversight. Although Zen Practice should be safe for most people if you do not do more than your body or condition allows you, if there could be any doubt, please check with your physician first before undertaking any activity.


    Here is a special message from Ankai, our long time member and priest who practices with serious health issues (war injuries, Parkinson's, a heart condition, and who has experience in recovery) and is an excellent person to contact on these issues [MESSAGE LINK]

    A little about Ankai : https://www.treeleaf.org/forums/show...l=1#post329009

    Hi! I'm Ankai, and I'm an "Unsui," a priest-in-training here at Treeleaf. A little about me - I live in the US, in New Jersey, and have a wonderful family. I'm a veteran, and served in Iraq. I survived combat, and a bombing, but it left me with PTSD, and some physical limitations. I also have a serious heart condition that has led to seven heart attacks, and was diagnosed in 2018 with Parkinson's Disease. I'm also in recovery from alcoholism, with years of sobriety, and work at a drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility.

    With all the things I've got going on, I still have my family, my career, my Priesthood, and, I practice every single day! I have had to make some modifications to the way I approach practice, but, it can be done!! I'm not "special" in any particular way. If I can practice, anyone can practice!

    SO... come along! If there is any way I can help or offer suggestions for how you can work around whatever your situation may be, please feel free to reach out! And, of course, it may just be that you've figured something out that might be useful to me or someone else who may read it. You can find me here or reach out in a private message absolutely any time. So, let's go! The wonderful adventure of practice and zazen awaits, and we could have some fun and connect with some great folks along the way.

    ...have a seat.


    Buddhism and Disability
    Handicapped Buddhism by Richard Louis Bruno

    Body of Radiant Knots (book chapter) by Joan Iten Sutherland, in Being Bodies (edited by Lenore Friedman and Susan Moon).
    Healing, The Universal Medicine (book chapter) by Pat Enkyo O'Hara in her own book, Most Intimate.
    How To Be Sick by Toni Bernhard (and please do check out our How to be Sick reading and practice group)
    Lotus in the Fire: the healing power of Zen by Jim Bedard
    Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach
    The Only Way I Know of to Alleviate Suffering (book chapter) by Darlene Cohen, also in Being Bodies.
    This Is Getting Old. Zen Thoughts on Aging with Humor and Dignity by Susan Moon
    Turning Suffering Inside Out by Darlene Cohen

    Dongshan is Unwell (Norman Fischer)
    Radical Acceptance and Practicing Radical Acceptance (Tara Brach)
    Suffering and Gratitude (Norman Fischer)
    Transforming Illness Through Love and Letting Go (Susan Bauer-Wu)

    Gassho, Jundo

    Thank you to Kokuu for drafting the above and shepherding this project.
    Last edited by Jundo; 02-01-2024, 11:42 PM.
  • Amelia
    • Jan 2010
    • 4980

    How nice of you to put all this together, Jundo. I'm sure it will be really helpful and a nice relief for our new members with some physical difficulties, not to mention some long time friends around here.

    Gassho, sat today, lah
    求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
    I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.


    • Jundo
      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
      • Apr 2006
      • 41064

      Originally posted by Geika
      How nice of you to put all this together, Jundo. I'm sure it will be really helpful and a nice relief for our new members with some physical difficulties, not to mention some long time friends around here.

      Gassho, sat today, lah
      Kokuu is the person who built this and put it together, I just posted it for the Sangha.

      Gassho, J



      • Amelia
        • Jan 2010
        • 4980

        Then many bows to Kokuu! Good job.

        Gassho, sat today, lah
        求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
        I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.


        • Koki
          • Apr 2017
          • 318

          This is very motivational..I'd love to began this path to Jukai and Shukke Tokudo.

          Would connecting with a mentor be a good way to guide me and point me along this road?

          I've been sitting nearly 47 years...


          Sent from my VS995 using Tapatalk


          • Amelia
            • Jan 2010
            • 4980


            Here is what is usually brought up when someone wants to know where to start on taking Shukke Tokudo.

            Hi, A new member (who is a paramedic) stated: Seido commented: In our Sangha, we do not make such a hard and fast distinction between Priest and householder (lay) folks. You can read more about why and how in this obituary I wrote for my Teacher, Nishijima Roshi ... Eight Ways GUDO WAFU NISHIJIMA Will Help Change ZEN

            Gassho, sat today, lah
            求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
            I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.


            • Koki
              • Apr 2017
              • 318

              Originally posted by Geika

              Here is what is usually brought up when someone wants to know where to start on taking Shukke Tokudo.

              Hi, A new member (who is a paramedic) stated: Seido commented: In our Sangha, we do not make such a hard and fast distinction between Priest and householder (lay) folks. You can read more about why and how in this obituary I wrote for my Teacher, Nishijima Roshi ... Eight Ways GUDO WAFU NISHIJIMA Will Help Change ZEN

              Gassho, sat today, lah
              Thank you Geika

              Sent from my VS995 using Tapatalk


              • dsaly1969
                • Sep 2013
                • 5

                Thanks so much for this posting! As someone with increasingly restrictive physical mobility I have found these suggestions on how to continue practice to be invaluable.

                Gassho, sat today, lah.


                • Mokuhó
                  • Feb 2015
                  • 5

                  I had suffer a cerebral stroke, i have hemiplegia in my body, im practice zen in mexico since 14 years ago with a group of sotozen lineage, but its very strictly, im sad because i can’t do it all activities like zazenkai or sesshins, my master dont accept my votes like a dharma integrant because my participation is limited, this notes that write master Jundo its very important note, because its inclusive...thanks for consider disability...i sat today, mokuho


                  • Jundo
                    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                    • Apr 2006
                    • 41064

                    Originally posted by Mokuhó
                    I had suffer a cerebral stroke, i have hemiplegia in my body, im practice zen in mexico since 14 years ago with a group of sotozen lineage, but its very strictly, im sad because i can’t do it all activities like zazenkai or sesshins, my master dont accept my votes like a dharma integrant because my participation is limited, this notes that write master Jundo its very important note, because its inclusive...thanks for consider disability...i sat today, mokuho
                    No body is excluded for such things here. The universe excludes nobody too.

                    Gassho, J

                    ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                    • Kyotai

                      Originally posted by Mokuhó
                      I had suffer a cerebral stroke, i have hemiplegia in my body, im practice zen in mexico since 14 years ago with a group of sotozen lineage, but its very strictly, im sad because i can’t do it all activities like zazenkai or sesshins, my master dont accept my votes like a dharma integrant because my participation is limited, this notes that write master Jundo its very important note, because its inclusive...thanks for consider disability...i sat today, mokuho
                      Your vote counts here Mokuho. Thank you for your practice and wish you well.

                      Gassho Kyotai

                      Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk


                      • Kokuu
                        Dharma Transmitted Priest
                        • Nov 2012
                        • 6942

                        I had suffer a cerebral stroke, i have hemiplegia in my body, im practice zen in mexico since 14 years ago with a group of sotozen lineage, but its very strictly, im sad because i can’t do it all activities like zazenkai or sesshins, my master dont accept my votes like a dharma integrant because my participation is limited, this notes that write master Jundo its very important note, because its inclusive...thanks for consider disability...i sat today, mokuho
                        You are very welcome here, Mokuhó, and your participation is whole and complete however much you are able or not able to do.

                        Please let us know if there is anything more we can do to include you here. The above guidelines are designed to be modified as we learn more about the requirements of different medical conditions and disabilities.



                        • Byokan
                          Senior Priest-in-Training
                          • Apr 2014
                          • 4284

                          Grateful for everyone's practice.

                          sat + lah
                          展道 渺寛 Tendō Byōkan
                          Please take my words with a big grain of salt. I know nothing. Wisdom is only found in our whole-hearted practice together.


                          • Jundo
                            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                            • Apr 2006
                            • 41064

                            Originally posted by allwhowander

                            I can spare the details of how this came about, but this past week I was diagnosed with lupus SLE (systemic lupus erythematous) by my rheumatologist. It kind of hit me from left field, but in reality, the signs were probably there for a while, but had not yet appeared on the blood test (it did this week).
                            I will just offer that we will all be Sitting for your health and peace with your condition, Kim.

                            Gassho, Jundo

                            ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                            • Seishin
                              • Aug 2016
                              • 1522

                              Kim I cannot offer advice but will offer metta.


                              Sei - Meticulous
                              Shin - Heart

