Sometimes artists have had a hard time and are good. Sometimes artists have a hard time and are bad. Sometimes artists have a good time and are good. Sometimes artists have a good time and are bad. What is bad and good, and a bad time and good time, anyway, but in the eye of the beholder and the experiencer?
I don't know... all this back and forth seems to be pointless. What's the argument here? Well, maybe it's not an argument, but anyway: artists make art. Some have a tragic history or struggle and some do not. It is the same with all people and all fields.
I make art, and I also have had a bit of a rough upbringing and slight bents of personality disorder. I don't feel these parts of me fuel my creativity. Maybe they do. Mostly, I just try to be happier now, because these things tend to stop me from being creative.
I had a friend growing up who was a lot like me, but darker in thoughts. We used to get into who's-had-it-worse "arguments." We were both quite creative, and now I look back at these things as a waste of time and wish I could get back in touch with her.
Gasssho, sat today
I don't know... all this back and forth seems to be pointless. What's the argument here? Well, maybe it's not an argument, but anyway: artists make art. Some have a tragic history or struggle and some do not. It is the same with all people and all fields.
I make art, and I also have had a bit of a rough upbringing and slight bents of personality disorder. I don't feel these parts of me fuel my creativity. Maybe they do. Mostly, I just try to be happier now, because these things tend to stop me from being creative.
I had a friend growing up who was a lot like me, but darker in thoughts. We used to get into who's-had-it-worse "arguments." We were both quite creative, and now I look back at these things as a waste of time and wish I could get back in touch with her.
Gasssho, sat today