Dear all,
the last opportunity to practice Tonglen was Sunday, October 20th.
For those who may be new to Tonglen Practice and what it's about, Tonglen is an ancient Practice originating in Tibet, but has been adopted by many Zen and other Western Buddhist Sanghas, for the transformation of suffering, anger, sadness and the like within ourselves and in the world, and transforming the same through visualization into peace, joy, acceptance and other positive emotions.
To learn more about Tonglen Practice, please visit this link:
Here's some more information about the special Eco-Tonglen practice:
For archived recordings of Tonglen Practice meetings, please do a search on our YouTube Channel>>
the last opportunity to practice Tonglen was Sunday, October 20th.
For those who may be new to Tonglen Practice and what it's about, Tonglen is an ancient Practice originating in Tibet, but has been adopted by many Zen and other Western Buddhist Sanghas, for the transformation of suffering, anger, sadness and the like within ourselves and in the world, and transforming the same through visualization into peace, joy, acceptance and other positive emotions.
To learn more about Tonglen Practice, please visit this link:
Here's some more information about the special Eco-Tonglen practice:
For archived recordings of Tonglen Practice meetings, please do a search on our YouTube Channel>>
sat and lah