Shakyo Practice Circle #3, August 2021

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  • Amelia
    • Jan 2010
    • 4980

    Shakyo Practice Circle #3, August 2021

    This session I will encourage that everyone read the following resource that Jundo sent to me:

    The Buddhist practice of Shakyo is a means of spreading the Buddha Way among people. It is also for praying for the fulfillment of one’s greatest wish.

    I recommend returning to this document a few times and to incorporate it as you see beneficial. It doesn't need to be followed to the letter. For example, it advises that we make note of mistakes and correct them, but since we do not all fully understand the letters, we don't necessarily know our mistakes, either! As long as we respectfully do our best, there is no problem. Just keep going.

    We will be making sure to bow, before and after the practice.

    Remember, everyone, to watch your posture and your breathing as you practice!

    Sat, lah

    求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
    I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.
  • Nengyoku
    • Jun 2021
    • 536

    A beautiful practice, I just finished my first.
    Thank you so much for introducing us to this.

    Thank you for being the warmth in my world.


    • Amelia
      • Jan 2010
      • 4980

      I'm glad you enjoy it. We will be skipping this month so that we can all focus on Ango, but I plan to get another video up sometime in October. In the meantime, you are free to practice as much as you like.

      Sat, lah
      求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
      I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.

