"Simple Living" - Chapters 99 and 100 ( ... and the circle begins again ... )

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  • Nenka
    These two are good ones.



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  • Doshin

    Thank you


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  • Shonin Risa Bear
    That Susan Postal gatha quote in O'Brien comes to mind: "infinite kindness to the past, infinite service to the present, infinite responsibility to the future" or words to that effect.

    So much harm to let go ... very intimately bound up with how to live from today.

    Thank you for this series of exercises. _()_ _()_ _()_

    shonin sat/lah today

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  • Tairin
    What a nice two chapters to end the book on!!!

    I’ve enjoyed going through this book with the Sangha. I hope we continue revisit it. I know I will be.

    Sat today and lah

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  • "Simple Living" - Chapters 99 and 100 ( ... and the circle begins again ... )

    And so we come to the close of this book and its 100 practices, although also the doorway to the beginning again and everything in between, no place to end or wrong place to jump in!

    Just jump in if joining, no "catch up" ... just today is today ...

    I will include chapter headings, as we discovered some differences between the US and UK editions regarding chapter order.

    Chapter 99 - Contemplate How To Die - Spend a moment to picture yourself having some "final thoughts" on your death bed, but make sure that they are appreciative thoughts, appreciating all that happened in your life, the many twists and turns, forgiving yourself by recognizing that any of us make mistakes but that you tried to do your best or to make amends when you did not. (And, by the way, if you have not made amends or made up for mistakes in life, it is still not too late!) Then, after doing so for a few moments, imagine that you were handed a new lease on life for at least another day ...

    Chapter 100 - Make The Most Of Life - Contemplate for a moment all the people and conditions that make your life possible, near and far, family, friends and even unknown strangers, ground and water, plants and animals, sun and stars above. Then, contemplate for a moment how you would like to live your life from today.

    Gassho, J


    PS - I will keep this past year of postings in a little archive, and anyone is invited to try them any time.
    Last edited by Jundo; 07-09-2020, 01:02 AM.