Hi all,
4-1 -- Always more you can learn, but whether it be what you know or what you don't, clinging won't get you anywhere. How do you know if something is "superior"? Not sure about that, but not something I would worry about regardless.
4-2 -- Pretty much the same as above and a constant reminder that the "answer" to what you seek may be closer at hand than you think or from a completely unexpected source. Question, but don't question...one but not one, two but not two. Can drive you around in circles, but I've always felt sure there is a point to "it" and my ability to grasp it is rather insignificant in the grand scheme of things....the universe simply doesn't care what I think.

4-3 -- You can sit forever and still learn nothing if you aren't careful. A lot of this seems to be about not having too much ego in regards to how far you have come, something Taigu refers to quite often. We start as a speck of matter and end up as many specks of matter...accepting this reality will alleviate much suffering but never all of it.
4-4 -- Seems to be saying that if you hang around good people that good things will happen, which almost contrdicts some of the other passages above. It wouldn't appear likely that it would hurt your practice and I suppose being around the "wrong" people could be very detrimental...but running through water will make you wet? Not sure about that one.
4-5 -- Again, it seems like we're going in circles...some will be enlightened in one way and that doesn't mean you will beome enightened in exactly that way. So, now getting water on you won't necessarily get you wet? Perhaps I don't get it. Certainly true effort should lead to positive outcomes, but nothing is ever a "can't miss" opportunity. We can get lost along the way and one should never say, "I've gone too far off the path." It's never too late.
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