We now come in a relaxed way to the second half of Chapter 27, "Relax Completely" ...
The author describes a very roundabout way to relax ... which is not trying so much to relax!
He describes how we often try to relax in counter-productive ways, with drugs or drink, violent movies or video games. If we are not careful, any of these can backfire.
He say that in our Zen Way, our way "is about being completely here, with what is - not withdrawing into a transcendant place." He speaks about not trying to relax "from a selfish place". It describes how what is happening within the mind is more the key, rather than some idyllic setting or expensive vacation package. He speaks of "letting go" and "not trying to contol." It is not about trying to force the mind to be at ease, but rather "to allow things to be as they are". He was opened by the words, "Let go ... let go of letting go".
Question: How skilled are you at such ways to relax?
Gassho, Jundo
The author describes a very roundabout way to relax ... which is not trying so much to relax!

He say that in our Zen Way, our way "is about being completely here, with what is - not withdrawing into a transcendant place." He speaks about not trying to relax "from a selfish place". It describes how what is happening within the mind is more the key, rather than some idyllic setting or expensive vacation package. He speaks of "letting go" and "not trying to contol." It is not about trying to force the mind to be at ease, but rather "to allow things to be as they are". He was opened by the words, "Let go ... let go of letting go".
Question: How skilled are you at such ways to relax?
Gassho, Jundo