Blue Cliff Record (Case 6) Yun Men's Every Day is a Good Day

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41130

    Blue Cliff Record (Case 6) Yun Men's Every Day is a Good Day

    It is a good day to move on to our next case.

    Do not think that "every day is a good day" just means some naive optimism, "look on the bright side" listing up of "pros and cons," remembering that "the sun will come out tomorrow." It is not a "stiff upper lip" or "rose colored glasses." Nor is it "every cloud has a silver lining." Whether any of that is true or not, that is not it!

    It is more that the Buddha Light is always shining, the sky open and boundless, even on the stormiest, cloudiest, darkest days. But it is not some simple human "optimism" or Stoic acceptance. This is the Wholeness, that which sweeps all in and is profound. No birth and death here from the startless start.

    In our CASE, commentators disagree somewhat on the reference to "the 15th day," but it likely means the middle of the lunar month. So, the meaning may be either "forget yesterday, forget tomorrow, there is just this day" or "forget yesterday, the future begins from here" (I would bet on the latter.)

    The other cases about Yunmen in the COMMENTARY are interesting, but they are just about the man, not really about today's case. So, we will leave them for another time.

    In the VERSE, the reference to "throw away 1 and pick up 7" confuses commentators, but may mean something like "forget trying to hold on to the one, and dive into the world of the many," followed by "in all the world (four directions) there is no comparison to him." Then the poem has images of his walking free though wild nature that is flowing streams and wild birds flying in the open sky, free from confusion and bonds, but also he comes back to the tangled, messy world of "thickly overgrown grasses/flowers and overhanging mist and fog." Hopefully, his freedom is there too. The part about Subhuti refers to a legendary disciples of the Buddha whose meditation and samadhi was so strong that a god in heaven rained down flowers on him. Shunyata means "Emptiness," so that whole passage likely means something like "don't get lost in the meditation of deep Emptiness, and come practice in this messy world." The "don't make a move" at the end may mean something like "don't look for the answer there and there, but realize it right here."


    Today your cat is sick, you lost your job, grandma is in the hospital, you can't pay your bills, your candidate lost the election and then your house burned down.

    Tell me: Why is this day a good day?

    Again, DO NOT give me "look on the bright side" "silver lining" "the sun will come out tomorrow" responses, or I will slam the door on your leg (you will understand about the leg when you read the commentary.)

    Gassho, Jundo

    Last edited by Jundo; 09-21-2024, 08:23 AM.
  • Houzan
    • Dec 2022
    • 556

    Why is being sick ‘bad’? Why is keeping your job ‘good’? Beyond themselves they flow freely, and free flowing is all good.

    Gassho, Hōzan


    • Chikyou
      • May 2022
      • 713

      All time and space is complete in every moment. If one day is good, all days are good. If one day is bad, all days are bad. Together, there is neither good nor bad, only wholeness.

      Chikyō 知鏡
      (Wisdom Mirror)


      • Ankai
        Novice Priest-in-Training
        • Nov 2007
        • 1062

        Today is just today.
        What happened is just what happened.
        Nothing more.
        The only thing that makes it "bad" or "good" is my own experience and preference.
        護道 安海

        -Godo Ankai

        I'm still just starting to learn. I'm not a teacher. Please don't take anything I say too seriously. I already take myself too seriously!


        • Onsho
          • Aug 2022
          • 174

          The lunar cycle idea is beautiful. Waxing and waning. Gaining more moon before the 15th. Releasing the moon after the 15th. The Dharma is every bit as present as whether the moon is full or new, or your mind is busy or empty.

          Tell me: Why is this day a good day?

          This day seems to be a bad day. Bad days are being bad because good days are being good, both sides of a no-sided coin. All days being here in this moment, along with all good and all bad I would think the day is equally good and bad, leaving you to label it if you may choose to. These circumstances are born from the cause and effect of emptiness. As long as I don't grab onto the good and bad, that would be a great perfection.

          And if I may put my foot in the doorway, having a cat AND being unemployed sounds pretty good to me.



          • Dainei
            • Jan 2024
            • 114

            Originally posted by Jundo


            Today your cat is sick, you lost your job, grandma is in the hospital, you can't pay your bills, your candidate lost the election and then your house burned down.

            Tell me: Why is this day a good day?

            Time passes in a series of moments of existence. Existence-Time is just that, a series of moments. At the moment the cat is sick yet at the same moment lunch tastes great. At the moment the master slams the door on my leg and breaks it, yet at the same moment I am enlightened. Suchness is this moment with myriad varieties and flavors.


            Climb Mount Everest
            Sometimes come down, sometimes don't come down
            Llama eats grass



            *from Master Dogen's fascicle Uji in Shobogenzo.
            Last edited by Dainei; 09-25-2024, 03:56 PM.


            • Hoseki
              • Jun 2015
              • 699

              The sun still shines no matter how tightly our eyes are closed.




              • Choujou
                • Apr 2024
                • 356



                Today your cat is sick, you lost your job, grandma is in the hospital, you can't pay your bills, your candidate lost the election and then your house burned down.

                Tell me: Why is this day a good day?

                Because everything only for a moment, yet the moment is everything- Whole and complete.
                Making no distinctions, I flow with Buddha.


                sat/lah today


                • Hoko
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 458


                  Today your cat is sick, you lost your job, grandma is in the hospital, you can't pay your bills, your candidate lost the election and then your house burned down.

                  Tell me: Why is this day a good day?
                  Because today the universe is perfect exactly as it is, even if I would prefer to be employed with a healthy grandma, paid bills, with my candidate in office and an unburned house.

                  I love Hsueh Tou's comment "how lamentable is Shunyata!". (Why would one want to dwell in darkness anyway?)

                  I also appreciated the line: "when you get here, you will not consider it difficult to blow out the fires under the cauldrons of hell" because it reminds me of those moments in zazen when ill will arises (e.g. remembering a snarky comment someone made on social media that I simply must formulate a mordant response to right now) and you are able to observe the thought without engagement and it extinguishes POOF.


                  法 Dharma
                  口 Mouth


                  • Tai Do
                    • Jan 2019
                    • 1457

                    Now is the only time that exists. It's a Good day because it is beyond good days and bad days.
                    Tai Do
                    Last edited by Tai Do; 09-25-2024, 11:02 AM. Reason: Bad English correction
                    怠努 (Tai Do) - Lazy Effort
                    (also known as Mateus )

                    禅戒一如 (Zen Kai Ichi Nyo) - Zazen and the Precepts are One!


                    • Jundo
                      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                      • Apr 2006
                      • 41130

                      All lovely responses this week.

                      I encourage folks to find Good in the beauty of this day to day complicated world ...

                      ... yet ALSO recall and feel deeply that the Koan points to a Good and Beauty (Buddha Big G and B) somehow behind and shining through this world of good and bad, beauty and ugliness, birth and death (small letters). In Zazen, such is tasted as we drop our small human measures of "good vs. bad, ugly that is not beautiful, death and birth" aside for a time.

                      Gassho, J
                      ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                      • Tairin
                        • Feb 2016
                        • 2957

                        Today your cat is sick, you lost your job, grandma is in the hospital, you can't pay your bills, your candidate lost the election and then your house burned down.

                        Tell me: Why is this day a good day?
                        I literally had a day like this, actually it took place over two consecutive days. I’ve talked about this several times here at TreeLeaf. Several unrelated things all happened at once. It was a very stressful time for me but my approach was to try to greet the moment with equanimity and to keep in mind that the current events were only the scenery at that time knowing that eventually it would just be some faded memory.

                        The reality is that although stressful at the time a lot of good came out of those two days that forced some positive changes in my life. Changes I still enjoy.

                        Events like these two days really helped solidify my practice. It is relatively easy to practice when everything is going well. As I suspect everyone here knows, it’s somewhat harder to maintain this practice when life seems to be going to poop.

                        Sorry for running long

                        Sat today and lah
                        泰林 - Tai Rin - Peaceful Woods


                        • Furyu
                          • Jul 2023
                          • 239

                          Even with a broken heart, broken everything… There is no day other than the one being experienced right now. Last month, next month are just conventions we need to function. If right now isn’t a good day, then there are no good days. But why good? Manjusri’s sword cuts the two into one, Buddha says “not one, not two”. Sickness and misfortune are not separate from joy and good health. Another grandmother springs back to health, children play joyfully in the streets, blossoms dance in the wind. Today is the same universe being you for a time, grandmother for a time, blossoms for a time. But in this moment, the all-encompassing ground of existence should blow my little mind beyond words… what a wonderful day!

                          Sat and Lah
                          風流 - Fūryū - Windflow


                          • Ankai
                            Novice Priest-in-Training
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 1062

                            The day is simply the day. The earth turns, sun rises, sun sets, period. In the Grateful Dead song, "Black Peter," a dying man says, "See how everything led up to this day... And it's just like any other day that's ever been."
                            The day is just what it is. It's neither good nor bad.
                            What makes it so are our own perceptions of the things that happen in it.
                            護道 安海

                            -Godo Ankai

                            I'm still just starting to learn. I'm not a teacher. Please don't take anything I say too seriously. I already take myself too seriously!


                            • Koriki
                              • Apr 2022
                              • 304

                              Today your cat is sick, you lost your job, grandma is in the hospital, you can't pay your bills, your candidate lost the election and then your house burned down.

                              Tell me: Why is this day a good day?
                              My practical answer is- because I am breathing. It's an amazing thing to be alive, and really rare. I am thankful for it.
                              My more Zen oriented perspective sees those occurrences (lost job, sick cat, etc.) as neutral if I don't get caught up in comparing them with other experiences. If I can see the word "good" as having no inherent meaning, just another label that's trying to influence me, then I can call it a good day without it affecting my experience of it.

                              In the Grateful Dead song, "Black Peter," a dying man says, "See how everything led up to this day... And it's just like any other day that's ever been."
                              Never heard the song, but I love this line.


