Blue Cliff Record (Case 2) The Ultimate Path is Without Difficulty

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  • Tairin
    • Feb 2016
    • 2960

    1 - Describe very briefly something you like (and maybe totally need to like in life ... like water and breathing!) or need to dislike (e.g., poison) ... and how one can also be free of "likes and dislikes" about it even while doing so.
    Regardless of how I feel about them, chores must get done.

    2 - Describe a cloudy moment of life, one that does not feel very "nice and clear" at all ... and how Clarity comes from not preferring it to be clear.
    My parents (and in-laws) are at that point in their lives where every new day is a blessing. Eventually they will pass as do all living beings.

    3- Do you like this Koan?

    Sat today and lah
    泰林 - Tai Rin - Peaceful Woods


    • Tai Do
      • Jan 2019
      • 1457

      1 - Describe very briefly something you like (and maybe totally need to like in life ... like water and breathing!) or need to dislike (e.g., poison) ... and how one can also be free of "likes and dislikes" about it even while doing so.
      Clean and tidy house in the middle of kids' playing mess.

      2 - Describe a cloudy moment of life, one that does not feel very "nice and clear" at all ... and how Clarity comes from not preferring it to be clear.
      OLd age, sickness, death: loosing a loved one.

      3- Do you like this Koan?
      I don't know!

      Tai Do
      怠努 (Tai Do) - Lazy Effort
      (also known as Mateus )

      禅戒一如 (Zen Kai Ichi Nyo) - Zazen and the Precepts are One!


      • Koriki
        • Apr 2022
        • 304

        1 - Describe very briefly something you like or need to dislike and how one can also be free of "likes and dislikes" about it even while doing so.

        I went to a retreat once where we ate our meals mindfully and in silence. The first dinner was mushroom soup and cottage cheese, two of my most disliked foods ever. But by having an awareness of where the food came from, paying attention to the experience of eating them, and satiating my hunger I had a very surprising not-dislike of these foods.

        2 - Describe a cloudy moment of life, one that does not feel very "nice and clear" at all ... and how Clarity comes from not preferring it to be clear.

        I find that when I think about the challenges of my future (uncertainties, illness, death) that the ability to change the focus from worry to more of a welcoming of whatever comes gives me more freedom in this moment.

        3- Do you like this Koan? Lol.




        • Anthony
          • Aug 2023
          • 122

          I am lagging behind a bit in the reading but am catching up!

          1 - Describe very briefly something you like (and maybe totally need to like in life ... like water and breathing!) or need to dislike (e.g., poison) ... and how one can also be free of "likes and dislikes" about it even while doing so.
          - I like food and I dislike having an itch on my skin. Clarity is eating in moderation and clarity can be scratching the itch or recognizing that there is no itch.

          2 - Describe a cloudy moment of life, one that does not feel very "nice and clear" at all ... and how Clarity comes from not preferring it to be clear.
          - Driving in traffic with aggressive drivers. Clarity comes from not wanting other drivers to be any different from what they are.

          3- Do you like this Koan?
          - Yup.



          • Shujin
            Novice Priest-in-Training
            • Feb 2010
            • 1184


            1 - Describe very briefly something you like (and maybe totally need to like in life ... like water and breathing!) or need to dislike (e.g., poison) ... and how one can also be free of "likes and dislikes" about it even while doing so.

            For me, this is probably cleaning house. I often feel as though I should be doing something more important or worthwhile. I try to remind myself that this activity has its own worth; there are things to like and dislike about it, but ultimately the house should be cleaned just as zazen should be sat.

            2 - Describe a cloudy moment of life, one that does not feel very "nice and clear" at all ... and how Clarity comes from not preferring it to be clear.

            In my job, I’m often teaching in a windowless, cinder block room with beige walls. The floor is concrete covered with linoleum tiles. There’s really not much inviting or human about it. Sometimes I can remember that it is what it is; I would love for my classroom to be otherwise, but that isn’t my reality. Someday, I may have a classroom with windows. In the meantime, however, I don’t have to be miserable.

            3- Do you like this Koan?

            I love this koan! It’s one of the few that I think shares a heart with Treeleaf. Intellectual exercises are valuable, but at some point we have to put down the hammer of thought (as Jundo would say) and just sit. Zhaozhou redirects the monk gently, but with such wonderful authority.

            Kyōdō Shujin 教道 守仁

