I encourage looking at these threads, topics and posts today ...

Please join us for a special Zazenkai with my Dharma Brother, Gustav Ericsson, who is visiting Treeleaf Tsukuba, Japan from Sweden! http://youtu.be/K-5bFTHsBBo Gustav Ericcson is a Dharma successor of our Gudo Wafu Nishijima Roshi (Jundo's Teacher) and, since 2010, also a Lutheran Priest with the Church of Sweden, which

The sometimes harsh and sweet voice of Teachers ... Taigu on This and that ...
The voice of the teacher sounds harsh sometimes, soft at other times, don t be attached to the voice. Don t be attached to the teacher. Don t be attached to your ears. Don t make a fuss with what s between your ears. Thoughts never stop. Thoughts are not a problem. Don t be attached to your thoughts of understanding or not

A reminder about this re-Minding Practice ... RECOMMENDED DAILY Nurturing Seeds PRACTICE ...
Hi, Sometimes the simplest of practices can be most effective. The following is based on teachings by Thich Nhat Hahn as well as many others. It's roots stretch back to the very origins of Buddhism. It is a simple and common sense approach to changing how we think and feel ... realizing that our experience of life is always

In praise of the Tea Party ... (the get together, not a political movement in America ) ...