I encourage looking at these threads, topics and posts today ...

... BOOK OF EQUANIMITY- case 20 ...
Not knowing is most intimate... As long as you are standing in front of the mountain, knowing the mountain, seeing the mountain, admiring its landscape, is but removing yourself from the mountain. As you climb, as you go you become part of the mountain, the mountain beneath your feet is not seen,perceived as such, rather

... For our Jukai-ers, and all of us ... PRECEPTS IX - To Refrain from Self-Praise Judging Others ...

Being mindful of Mindfulness ...
(from Douglas Adams "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency) Just to get your attention. ;) Actually, I wanted to share some thoughts by Abbot Muho about "Mindfulness" - the following excerpt is actually from two different articles on the Antaiji website: Abbot Muho from Antaiji: Gassho, Timo

A reMINDer that Shikantaza is not an exercise in concentration ...

... and do not forget our November 24th, 2012 Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai ...
reMINDer: OUR "AT HOME" 2-DAY ROHATSU RETREAT is the weekend of December 8th & 9th, via live netcast Hello All, Please 'sit-a-long' with our weekly FRIDAY/SATURDAY 'LIVE FROM TREELEAF' 90 minute ZAZENKAI, netcast LIVE from 9am Japan time Saturday morning (that is New York 7pm, Los Angeles 4pm (Friday night),