Have a peep at these:

Sitting with things as they are

12th koan of the Book of equanimity
Case 12 Dizang asked Xiushan, “Where do you come from?” Xiushan said, “From the South.” Dizang said, “How is Buddhism in the South these days?” Xiushan said, “There’s extensive discussion.” Dizang said, “How can that compare to me here planting the fields and making rice to eat?” Xiushan said, “What can you do about the

Zen and love
Hello fellow Treeleafers, I just wanted to share a few impressions, feelings and thoughts about a topic that I feel has deserved too little attention (to my limited knowledge) in the wider Zen discourse. This is not meant as an attempt to promote any kind of teaching etc., it really is just sharing a few impressions. Although